would could be us***

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Blake pof

As i walked threw the back door of my house i walked up stairs and went to the bathroom to shower off all the dirt and wet dog stench off of me from my earlier adventure with captain dickwade. I looked at the digital clock i kept in here it read 1:00 am. Yep , i guesa you could say i was lucky i was abandoned when i was a baby, And was bounced around from foster family to foster family in my pack but i always ended up back with Lauren the alphas brother. He was the one who found me so he's always been my father figure , but he's always been more of the fun uncle instead of the stern dad role. About a year ago i had been sick of being shipped around because of my 'authority' problem. Apparently i never listened to anyone who told me what to do and i mean anyone, Lauren told me when i was little that one time the alpha Benjamin tried being my guardian and when he told my what to do i spit in his face. So ya i guess i do have one. But anyways Lauren ended up getting me this huge house and stops by every other Wednesday to stop and give me money for food and whatever else i need. I stepped out of the shower forgetting to grab my towel from the bedroom shit,shit,shit. I ran out at full speed into my bedroom before grabbing it a wipping off my naked, soaked body. Then i went to my dresser and pulled out a pair of plain black pajama booty shorts and a plain black cami that barely covered my lower belly. I dove under the covers wrapping myself into a comfy cocoon. I was still heartbroken but i couldnt let this ruin my life, i mean there was plenty of rejected wolves that found a knew mate i guess i was destined to be one of them "i dont want to be unmated i want nikoli" kiki said it killed my her voice was completely broken from the once sassy, somewhat bitchy that it always was. She was completely broken. I finally closed my eyes wanting to escape reality.

I was in a meadow surrounded by the woods. I was laughing and giggling historically. Someone was chasing me he finally caught up to me and wrapped his big arms around spinning me around causing me to laugh even more. As soon as his arms closed around me i was enveloped into his foresty,rain scent. When i tried to get loose he lost his footing and fell forward buy he was able to maneuver himself so i fell on top of him. And let me tell you it would have been the same as landing on a brick wall. I opened my eyes to get my a better look at him and what i saw made my heart stop this beautiful stranger was my mate. How could i not realize that when I smelt his Sent. Before i could process this his soft lip were just about to touch mine.................

"Damn it" i groaned into my pillow, it was all a dream i guess i succeeded at escaping reality just not the right one. The alarm clock had woken me up. I started smacking it out of habbit but it wouldn't shut up, so i finally took it and threw it out the window from my bed. "This is why you have had seven alarm clocks "my wolf snapped at me. "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the den" i mocked as i shook my shook my head and went to get ready for school before i was late.

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