banana pancakes

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Blakes pov

The gravel crunched under brand new tires as we pulled into the fild gravel filled parking lot. Once the car jerked to a holt becaise of the new terrain. I pushed the door open and got out stretching my arms behind me and breathing in deeply followed by a deep yawn. I looked over to see cole staring at me with a strange look in his eyes. I blushed a little uncontrollably "what " i said smiling. I immediately saw a lit rosy blush tinted his cheeks but went away as i saw it "nothing" he said and starting to walk to the run down old shack. I followed him into the firmilar homey diner. We walked in and were rampages by betty "oh my gosh your back " betty squeaked, and ran up to us pulling cole down with quite a bit of strength for a women her age kissing cole on each cheek, then she focused her attention on me and pulled me into a tight hug that made me stop breathing. She pulled away looking at me then at cole "you made her yours yet bumpy " she asked looking at cole. Confusion racked my mind "bumpy" i said questionably. "Yes " she said looking at me "thats his nickname ive called him that since he was wee big" she said looking at a glaring cole, and holding her fingers to c shape about a inch high. I laughed at coles expression"i like it" i said teasing him. He glared even harder "do you have to call me that betty" she laughed "yep" she said proudly "ill go get your food ready bumpy and bumpet"she said walking away, "bumpet?" i questioned, she turned around with a hand on her hip "yep you two are together now so you inherited the name bumpet" i laughed as she walked away. We went to the booth we were sitting at last time with me sitting next to the window and him sitting next to me. "Well Mr.bumpy whats the plan for tonight " i teased once again l. He scowled "dont call me that unless you want to be punished miss bumpy" he said seductively in my ear. Knots in my stomach formed immediately making everything turn serious and making me shiver. He laughed in my ear and then nibbled on it. I gasped from it. He pulled away and laughed once again, i could practicaly hear the smirk in his voice. And glared "ass" i mumbled making him smirk with satisfaction. "Im your ass, pumpkin" I rolled my eyes. "As if my ass looks better" i said a smile tugging in my lips. His expression turned dark but then lightened when he realized i was literally talking about my ass "sure dose, its sweet like pumpkin pie" he played i laughed from his joke punching him in the shoulder. "Better be its the i only one your gonna see for the rest of your life" I said tapping his nose. "Promise" he said. "Pinky" i said holding up my punky finger which he gladly took wrapping it with his own. "But seriously its the best ass ive ever seen pumpkin " he said his tone serious. I raised and eyebrow "how many have you seen bumpy?" i asked. He was silent for a moment "enough to say your the owner of the best one " he said wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes "nice save" i said. He smiled smugly "thanks " he said smirking. "Heres yiur food mr and Mrs bumpy" she said then walked away to attend to another customer that just walked in signaling the bell that hung from the door. I took a bit of the big fluffy pancake in front of me. "Oh shit " i moaned leaning my head back. I looked over at cole to see him staring at me weirdly "what?" i asked confused why he was giving me that look. He leaned over towards me and grabbed my free hand pulling it over to him and plac- oh shit. He had just placed it on his bulge that was growing, my eyes immediately widened probaly popping out of my head. "If you want to finish that pancake i suggest you dont do that again missy" i nodded attempting to tug my hand away from his growing buldge but failed miserably . He held it there for a minute longer then finally released my hand which i gladly took with me.

When we finished we said our goodbyes to betty and walked out to the car. I felt so fat for eating all that food i was tempted to unbutton my top button on my very tight pants but considering the little scene back there i decides against it. "It will take at least six ours to go back do you just want to stay the night at the hotel and head back tomorrow?" he asked starting the car. "Sure" i said leaning against his arm As he blasted the freezing air conditioner.

Coles pov

I turned on the air condioner on full blast just so blake would cuddle up closer to me. We decided to head back to the hotel were i have decided were gonna start the mating process since its been on her mind and after the little incident back there i dont think i would be able to stop myself from not waiting any longer.

Blakes pov we walked into rhe firmilar room "weren't we in this room last time cole?" i asked confused. "Ya this is my penthouse i come here when i cant stay at home or stuff like that" he said shrugging his shoulders like it wad nothing. Did that happen alot? "Do you stay here often?" i asked he nodded "thats why i have extra clothea and stuff her pumpkin" that made since i was wondering how he had changes me into those other clothes since we had come straight from a party. He walked over to me pulling my face torwards his. My breathing couldnt decide wether to speed or pick up. Causing my chest to heave in awkward motions. He smirked noticing what he did to me just by a kiss. He pressed his lips to mine first slow and possessive, then it pick up to fast and hungry as our lips moved in perfect harmony. I smirked agaisnt his lips when his hardness started to grow agaisnt my leg.

Well Well well


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