isolated and in love

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My arms were wrapped around coles waist, my head was pressed into his back. He was pretty much dragging me along. "Did you ever go for a run in L.A.? " he chuckled. "Nope, to busy and just about no were to go, the trails are crawling with people, im a little out of shape " sighed. He laughed "well were we live ill have you in shape in no time baby" he twirled around and lifted me up by my butt. He bite my lip, and deepend it into a kiss. He smirked against my lips, since i was out of breath. I took a deep breath of the cool crisp morning air. I smiled and leaned my head down on his firm chest. Breathing in his woodsy scent. And he layed his head on my head. "Do you remember when we first found out we were mates?" i smirked remembering the day. He went stiff, "yes i do and baby i dont know if i told you this but i am so sorry, i.caused you all that pain and i will make you feel like a princess the rest of your life" i smirked and looked at him. He gave me a smug look "why are you smirking " he asked squinting his eyes. "It was the first time i saw you naked" i giggled. He tried to hold back the laugh. I giggled more, causing him to laugh more. He kissed me on the lips again. "Or about the time you kidnapped me and took me to a shaddy hotel in the woods" i faught the smile, and he broke out in one and rolled his eyes. "Ok first you willingly got in the car and, second your house was ransacked, third the hotel was a god damn five star hotel, you brat " he smirked. I laughed "i guess" i said in my duh tone. I kissed him "are we gonna finish the hike?" he smirked we did. He.dropped me and i turned around leaning back against him the veiw was amazing. The clouds kissed the top of the green and somewhat white mountains. "When....when are we gonna spread" i gulped deeply, "Carson's ashes" i finished looking over the edge. "I was thinking tonight, or maybe this afternoon " he said lowly, kissing the top of my head. I nodded "do you think we can save it and, spread them at home" I whispered close to tears. He turned me around and made me look up at him. "Anything you want baby" i nodded, "you know that den we were in, when i stormed out" i asked, he nodded "yes i do" he said looking down at me. "Can we do it in there or close to it so we can feel close to him" he nodded. And i smiled. And leaned into his chest "promise you wont leave me" o said. He nodded "no force on earth could take me away from you" he said. I smiled and walked around to behind him. I jumped up on his back. And pointed down the road, "on word, my warmth, and eye candy" i said as seriously as i could. He laughed "ok, my naggy mate"he said. I punched him in the peck. He laughed and rub his man boob. "Still got you abusive side " i laughed and rubbed the spot i his and kissed his neck "does that help", he chuckled "very" i giggled "onward my little showpony".

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