
371 9 1

Pt 1

Coles pov

"Wakey wakey eggs in bakey" i whispered in her ear. She hit me in the shoulder and rolled over grumbling all while her eyes were closed. I chuckled to myself looks like someone isnt a morning person. Ok crawled over her so i was straddling her side, causing her to grumble. I rolled my eyes. And bent down and started swirling circles on her neck with my tongue, and kissing all her favorite spots, i had felt the ull to mate the fuck out of her, but i knew i had to hold back . She tried pushing me away but i started to suck giving me a well earned moan from her. I continued my work till i was positive the was a dark hickey before kissing it and sitting back up. She was wide awake now i glared at me. "Did you just give me a hickey" she said sounding very pissed off. "Yes" i smirked at her. Her glare darkend "why" she said sternly. "Because your mine" i said seductively. She rolled her eyes and tried to roll over again to go to sleep but i tighten my legs so she couldnt move and smirked at your he rolled her eyes once again "im tired " she complained "let me sleep. Asshole" she said sounding really tired. "Ah ant ah" i grumbled and. Leaned dowm to start my second work of art. I swirled my tongue just under her chin, biting and licking as well as sucking. I felt her small hands go up to my chest trying to push me away, but she finally gave in and wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me closer. I finally felt content with my work and started to sit up but she rolled out from underneath me and wrapped her legs around my waist. I noticed a slight flash of pain go through her eyes but quickly disappear as she started on my neck. I felt her lick my neck. Then she bit hard but not enough to hurt really bad. I moaned from her little love bite. She the started sucking hard and fast moving her mouth at a fast pace. Alot more needy then my slow sucking. She licked over the spot she bit and the started sucking again. She pulled away admiring her work she placed her thum over it moving it back and forth. I looked at my hicky i gave her and smiled, it wasnt pink anymore but it was so dark looked almost like a birthmark. She noticed me smirking and leaned her head against my chest "please tell me its not that dark" she pleaded. I smirked even harder "i could but id be straight up lying" i said. She grumbled something that sounded like you asshole. "Guess what missy" i said cheekily, "what" she grumbled "were going home today, the docter came by last night and said we can go, and i called my dad this morning and he said a car will be her within the hour" i said. She immediately looked up with a grin on her face. "What about my house? Is it still a mess?" she said concerned. I shook my head no ."the night we went to the hotel i called a guy to go fix it up so it should be the same but some things were completely broken so i had him replace it " i said shrugging my shoulders. "How much do i owe you " she asked "nothing " i said looking into her eyes. "B-b-bu.." i cut her off "you dont owe me anything all i need is your sweet ass" i said smiling. "But it dosent feel right shouldn't i give you something? " she asked dirty thoughts crossed my mind. She mustve noticed because she immediately blushed a deep rose color and punched my arm "NO, you dirty boy " she said trying to keep a straight face. I wiggled my eyebrows "your  dirty boy" i wispered in her ear. She was still straddling my waist. "I need clothes i cant were this" she said looking down at the clothes she had borrowed. She had hot pink undies on that said 'juicy' across the ass, and a black nickelback t-shirt that was a to big but not to were she was drowning in it i got up placing her on the bed and walking over to the dresser. I came back with black sweatpants and a green 'kiss me im Irish ' saint Patricks day shirt along with a black sports bra and fresh black undies. I handed them to her and she grabbed my shoulder stepping down with her good leg then her bad leg alost causing her to fall since i was about a half a foot taller then her. But i was able to grab her before she hit the floor steadying her and helping her back up. "Want me to just carry you?" i asked concerned. She looked deturmined"no" she said sharply "i can do it" she proclaimed. I rolled my eyes as she let go of me and tried to walk with that big bulky boot she still had on. I rolled my eyes when she stumbled again but this time i picked her up bride style and walked her to the bathroom. "Put me down" she commanded. I rolled my eyes ignoring her. I sat her on the tub and started to undress her since she couldn't even walk. "Stop i can do it myself" she said sternly. I rolled my eyes and stood her up and held her waist and closed my eyes letting her do it herself since she insisted but still holding her up so she didnt get hurt even worse. Idiot she said in her head heard that i said to her in a know it all tone, Making her grin.

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