its not real***

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Blakes pov

We were fifteen minutes away from the alphas house. Cole had been nudging me to wake up but i was still drowsy and exhausted. I leaned my head against coles shoulder and grumbled, something i don't even what i as saying. I ended up in that state you in when your not quite sleeping but arent awake either.
I opened my eyes when i heard the distinct crunching of gravel against the tires. The car came to a fast stop lurching forward a bit. "Blake were here " cole wispered in my ear. I groaned still not moving from his shoulder. He grumbled something that sounded like "shit". He got out of the car leaving my head to fall over. But i was still to tired to wake up so i stayed still not wanting to move. The car door opened and a split second later to strong arms circled around me and picked me up like a sleeping toddler. And i guess i could be one considering i act like one and i am sleeping somewhat. With my head nuzzled in the crook of his neck and my arms draped around his neck and my legs somewhat wrapped around his waist. God i was so tired. He readjusted me and walked up the steps to the giant house. He walked up the steps and opened the door when i heard the screeching sound of a voice i was guessing was his mom also known as luna Jane. "Cole sweetie were have you been" she shouted and i was amazingly dropped on my butt. Oww that hurt. I was woken up by that and sent cole a death glare to see his mom had took my spot giving him a bear hug while sobbing. "Were have you been we have been looking everywhere for you, why would you do that and not anwser us... Why... Dont ever do that again you understand mister." she rambled on before finally letting go. Her little speech had been full of emotions it all showed in her voice from the strong worried sounding were have you been to the week sad whys, to the pissed dont ever do that again. She took a step back to finally realized i was here. Still on my ass might i add. Cole came over and sent me a apologetic look and helped my up. Jane looked confused between both of us before questioning "a-ar-are y-you guys" before she could finsh "yes ,mom we are" cole finished it was odd his voice sounded thick with love or something like that. He glanced over at me as i did to him and he kissed me on top of my head. Jane giggled and jumped uo and down as if a preppy fangirl about to meet her idol. Before i could react she jumped forward and in a huge bear hug drawing all my breath out of my lungs like a squeaky dog toy when you sqeeze it. "What the hell is all that racket your making ja... " a voice boomed down the hallway leaving a very shocked alpha Benjamin came stomping down the hall but immediately stopped when he saw the scene playing out before him. Cole next to me trying to pull his mom off of me before she squeezes me to death. Alpha Benjamin looked shocked before intruding "sweetie will you please let blake go before you accidentally kill her " jane blushed before nodding and stepping back to her husband and leaning her head against his shoulder. "Now whats all the fuss that has made your mother go crazy almost? cole".he said in his alpha voice and raising his eyebrow in curiosity. Cole stiffened, but then grabbed my hand "well dad you see i found my mate" he said shyly. The alpha nodded "and" he said. "Well you see dad it is ..." he stopped. My heart stopped as ok realized he was embarrassed it was me, the basterd was embarrassed that i was his mate. He didnt seem embarrassed when he took me to that damn hotel and couldnt keep his eyes off me. How could i be so dumb, to believe someone as great and handsome a-and well him could fall for me even if we were fated to be together. I was naive and stupid. I abruptly ripped my hand away. And turned to him "can you take me to Arogans please " it was almost a whisper but it was all my heart could handle without crying infront of him and his family. He looked confused and a little hurt but why would i care it was all a show. Probably a prank set up by him and his friend like lets make the ugly girl think the alpha has fallen for her and then leave her in the rain type of thing. God how could i be so dumb. He nodded "im gonna take, ill finsh when i get back". Alpha looked confused but nodded. I turned around and marched out to the car in hurt and defeat. I opened up the car door and slid in. He walked to the other side and got in giving me a weird look. "What" i glared at him. He stopped what he was gonna say and started the car. A tear slipped down my cheek i just looked out the window and wiped it away. He tried laying his hand on my thigh but i was having no part in his little game and i shook his hand off.

As we pulled up to Arogons house i got out and kinda slammed the door i couldn't keep the tears from stopping any longer. I knocked on the door and waited a minute or so when arogons dad opened the door looking tired as ever with his light brown and grey streaked hair and shadowed face. His eyes immediately perked uo when he was out of his haze "blake were have you been? We've been worried sick about you" he said giving me a small hug in his kiss band t-shirt and flannel pj pants he stood back realizing i was crying "you ok sweetie?"he asked concerned . I nodded "can i just sleep over i need Aragon for the night if its ok " he nodded "of course your always welcome here blake" he said. And took a step in i looked back to see cole in the driveway with tears in his eyes. Know doubt he saw my tear stained face as i shut the door and the do ok to my broken heart. I walked up stairs to Aragons bedroom before crawling into bed with her quietly not waking her up and falling asleep. Sleep,Sleep was all i needed...

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