morning from hell***

493 12 0

Pt 2

Blakes pov

"MY BABY'S BACK, HOLY SHIT YOU FUCKING BITCH" someone yelled and i mumbled something in responce and tried to sleep more but a stinging pain met my cheek making me bounce up from bed with holding my cheek and sending Aragon a dont fuck with me look. She just sat there like a moron staring at me like i was gonna disappear into thin air. "Take a picture it'll last longer " i grumbled still very pissed she slapped me. She then leaped onto me pulling me into a deep bear hug and throwing me to the bed not holding back her body weight. EEHHH she sqealed. God she has to many mood swings she literally called me her baby then she called me a bitch then she fucking slapped me now she flipping tackled me to the bed in a bear hug. Wtf how long have i been gone? "Were the hell have you been " she scolded me so thats how i ended up telling her everything that happened since we left the party to when i showed up here and her dad let me in. She sucked in a deep breath before nodding and hugging me. "Well i know what will make you feel better " she said smiling suspiciously. "WAFFLES" She screamed before jumping off the bed to who knows were. I groaned and flopped back on the bed completely exhausted just by watching her. She came back in a second later and jumped next to me and pulling me close to her so that we were spooning. I know shes so weird but everytime we spend the night at eachothers house she always ends up doing this used to it by now. But a faint part of me wanted Cole to be the one spooning me but i quickly pushed that thought to the edge of my mind. "So dad says hel 'll make us some.of his famous strawberry topped waffles we have to get ready for school " she said. I groaned. I had completely forgot about school i wad a.straight A+ student and i missed what at least two days of school. Shit, shit ,shitty, shit, shit. I nodded and got up to grab my things. Since we were always practicaly living at each others houses we kept things for emergency at each house so i had a emergency makeup and outfit set in the back of her closet just as she had one at mine.

We walked into school with Aragon in the middle with her arm draped around my shoulders and the other drapped around colby's shoulder at least she tried because he was a good six inches taller then her. We walked to my locker were i insisted i was fine and they need to go get ready for class. I put my book and stuff in my locker taking out my binder and walking to my first hour before stopping dead in my tracks as my heart broke once again. My eyes filled with tears. Cole was leaning against a locker talking to another jock while some fucking slut was trying to hard to lean her cleavage all up on coles arm. And whispering in his ear. I couldnt take it i knew he was screwing with me and there was still a small hope deep inside me hoping i was dead wrong. He stiffened obviously knowing i was there he turned and looked at me and with that i turned straight around out to who knows were, i just needed air.

I took in a shakey breath. i had made my way to the top of the bleachers in the gigantic football stadium. I had sat at the top just thinking about how dumb i am. I mean how on earth could the school hottie and future alpha fall for a girl like me, i mean alphas love protecting their mates but i mean im not submissive and i wouldn't change that even if i wanted to. And im not drop dead pop pretty if anything I'm bellow average. A tear fell down my cheek followed by others more and more they came and i didn't stop them. I was so tired of not being noticed, im so tired of not being amazing or anything for that matter. I just cried and cried. Footsteps came against the metal bleachers. I wiped my eyes and face probably just smearing my makeup. I the bleachers next to me groaned and i was pulled ok onto a lap. I wanted it so bad to be cole but i knew it wasnt, i would've been gifted his wonderful musky scent but instead it was a after shave and Cologne i knew all to well. It was tallon holding me her while i was crying over another guy id never have. "Shhh its ok, shhhh, shhh" he cooed in my ear. I looked up at him i knew he could see my heart was broken threw my eyes like windows. "No its not" i whimpered into his chest. Dont let him touch us, there is one male for us my growled "I'd never had him and i never will" i added you know thats not true she added . He stiffened knowing who i was talking about. But relaxed. "I'd never be good enough for him and never have " i whimperd threw sobs. This time when he stiffened he didn't relax "know listen here blake your are to good for him and if he cant see that then he doesn't deserve you" he said sounding pissed. I shook my head in defeat not wanting to fight. I opened my eyes to see him looking down at me with a look ive never seen, before or noticed it was a look filled with love. I sat up so i straddled him and leaned down, lighlty pressing my lips to his. He didnt kiss back but i was determined i kissed harder with lust and need. Which he returned and kissed back "thank you " i mumbled against his lips pulling back slightly but he pulled me forward and whispered in my ear "anytime my little princess " he wispered using my old nickname he called me when we dated for what seemed like forever ago. But once again i was ripped away from our lustful kissed to be enveloped in that musky scent which i instinctively breathed in as much as i could. "What the hell man, didnt i already beat your ass for kissing my girl" cole sneered he jumped at tallon but i grabbed hus arm and held him back. I tried to turn around and leave but his hand slid down to my hand and he held onto me tightly but not enough to actually hurt me. "Well i wasn't the one who screwed with her emotions so bad shes actually thinking shes no good for you let alone anyone when in fact she to good for any of us including you" tallon spat back. Coles body went soft behind me but mine had stiffened up that fucker wasnt supposed to say anything about that to anyone, anyone. "Is that true" cole said softly directed to me. "Damn right it is " tallon sneered . "i wasn't talking to you asshat " cole spat back to tallon "get out of here now tallon" he said very pissed. I on the other hand broke free of cole and stomped away completely upset and angry and most of all hurt. But i didn't get far before cole came behind me picking me up so i was facing him with my legs wrapped around his waist and his arms under my butt holding me up to his face "is that true?" he asked sounding hurt. I looked away not wanting to anwser and ashamed of what i coukdnt help but think. He slipped one hand out from underneath me shifting my weight and pulling my chin to him so he looked me in the eye "is it true?" he asked sternly.

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