Chapter 8

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(Y/n)'s POV

I walked around the mansion, bored. I might go and see what Subaru was doing. Oww...just breath. I put my hand on the wall to steady myself. Oops. Forgot to put my gloves on.

I hoped they wouldn't get mad at me. I slowly made my way back to my room and sat down on my bed. Subaru came into my room. I forced a smile. He could see that I was faking it so he came and sat down next to me. I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Do you want me to get Ayato?" he asked, smirking.
"Why him?"
"Because you like him and I'm pretty sure he likes you."
"*blush* T-that's n-not true." Ouch, not again.
"Reiji!" Subaru called.
"Don't yell. Anyway, what is it?" Subaru looked at me. Reiji gave me some medicine. I reluctantly ate it and felt much better.
"Thank you." He left. I smiled at Subaru.
"Still want me to get him?"
"Wait here. I need to get you a present." After that, he left. A few seconds later, Ayato came in.
"Subaru said that you needed me." I mentally glared at Subaru, I knew that he was smirking.
"Well, don't believe him. I don't need you."
"But I need you."
"What?" He pulled me to the door.
"Where are we going?"
"Somewhere." I couldn't be bothered walking.
"Give me a piggyback."
"What? Why?"
"Because I said so."
"No." I pouted.
"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"
"You're acting just like a child."
"I don't care." He lifted me up with ease.

I held onto him. He took me to where Shu was sleeping. Saee was staring at him dreamingly. Ayato put me down. I laughed but quickly covered my mouth.

"Hey! Stop stalking me," Saee whined.
"We just came here." Ayato winked at me.
"Hey um Saee, what are you doing in here?"
"I was just checking to see if Shu was awake," she replied.
"It looked like you were staring at him. You like him, don't you?"
"*blush* N-no, I d-don't."
"You looooove him (😂Happy from Fairy Tail)."

She tried to hit me but I dodged. I looked at Ayato and Shu. He was trying to get Shu to get up.

"Get up already! Saee's getting impatient! She's waiting for your kiss!" yelled Ayato.

Saee and Shu both blushed. Ayato quickly grabbed my hand and ran off. We laughed our heads off.

"Those lovebirds. I wonder when they'll confess to each other."

He just smiled and left. He smiled at me? I left the mansion and wandered off. I walked for a long time. I arrived at a different mansion.

Was this the Mukami mansion? If it was, I hope they didn't insult them again. I walked up to the door and knocked. Kou opened the door. I smiled.

"Hey." He looked surprised to see me.
"Can I go in?"
"Y-yeah sure." I went inside. There was a fireplace? I never knew that.
"Can I?" He looked confused but still nodded. I touched the fire and froze it. Cool.
"I never knew you could do that."
"What's going on- Oh, it's you."
"Hey Yuma." I yawned.
"You must be tired, go have a rest." It was Ruki.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." I went to the couch and laid down. Eventually, I fell asleep.

~1 hour later~

I woke up. My eyes filled with tears. How could they have been treated this way? I had a strange dream. I saw everyone's past. Azusa looked at me like I was weird. I hugged him.

"I'm so sorry."
"What...for?" he asked.
"Your past." I wiped away my tears.
"What about our pasts?"
"I saw them. Why...were you treated like that? Nobody deserves to be treated like that...I saw the Sakamaki's as well..."
"I'm sorry, I should be going now."

I got up but my stomach grumbled. I blushed in embarrassment. Ruki offered me some tea.

"Thanks." I drank it in one gulp. I walked to the door but stopped.
"Um...could you please give me directions to the Sakamaki mansion?"
"I'll drive you there," Ruki replied.
"Thank you."

~A few minutes later~

We arrived. I got out and thanked him again. He smiled and left. I went inside and Yui and Saee immediately rushed up to me.

"Where are you?! We were so worried."
"I was with Ruki, Kou, Yuma and Azusa."
"Who are they?" Saee asked.
"Um..." Ayato appeared out of nowhere.
"Why did you go there?"
"I..." I actually didn't know why I went there.
"I'm sorry."

I walked past him and went up to my room. I thought about their pasts. It was all so sad. Their mothers were so cruel, especially that Cordelia.

I heard Yui's scream and immediately ran out. Everyone was there except...Yui wasn't herself. Her eyes looked like...Oh no, this can't be happening.

"Get. Out." She just smiled evilly.
"As you wish."

She somehow came out of Yui's body and became her true form. Saee caught Yui before she fell.

"Why are you here?"
"Can't I pay a visit to my-"
"They meant nothing to you. If they did, why did you treat them like garbage?!" I glared at her. She just laughed.
"You're right, they're nothing to me." Everyone stared at me.
"Get out before I kill you." I was about to take my glove off but someone grabbed my wrist. That guy...
"Let go of me."
"I can't let you hurt her."

I glared at him. I bit his hand and he let go. I kicked him but he grabbed my leg and smashed me into the ground.

"Don't...worry, take...Yui and go." I got up and tried to attack but Ayato stopped me.
"Protecting her, are you?" Cordelia asked. Ayato just glared at her. She teleported behind me and held a knife to my throat.
"Move and I'll slit her throat open." Everyone glared at her.
"Let. Her. Go." Ayato gritted his teeth.
"I need her to turn into that stupid mindless soul thing so she can kill you all."

I slowly took my gloves off. Richter pointed a gun at me. Ayato kicked the gun out of his hands.

"Now!" I touched Cordelia and she began to freeze.
"No! Stop!" she yelled. I grabbed the knife and stabbed it through her heart.
"That's for what you did to them. Don't ever come back." She turned into dust. I looked at Richter.
"What do we do with him?"

Before any of us could react, he shot a dart at me and left. My headache started to come back. I felt dizzy and blacked out.

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