Chapter 22

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(Y/n)'s POV

I was really bored. I honestly had no idea what to do until...

"Eeek!" Saee had somehow gotten into my room and had a scary mask on her face.
"How did you- Nevermind." Subaru was with her.
"Why did you agree to help her?"
"She wouldn't stop begging me. I mean I could've easily stopped her but I know you wouldn't like that," he replied.
"I'm glad you didn't 'stop' her even though that mask is kind of freaky." Saee pouted.
"I made it myself." I sweatdropped.
"I'm sorry, I didn't-"
"I'm just joking, he made it." She pointed to Subaru, I didn't know his art skills were that bad. I laughed.
"I did not!" he argued.
"Yeah right," Saee exclaimed sarcastically.
"So...which one of you is telling the truth?" They both gasped.
"You don't trust your best friend?!"
"But I thought you knew your 'brother'!"
"That's why it's so hard!"
"I was joking, Subaru didn't make it. I bought it at an op-shop."
"Why would you buy a freaky mask?"
"I wanted to scare you and I thought that it might be a good Halloween 'costume'."
"Seriously? Halloween's months away."
"Oh right, I knew that."
"Totally." Subaru slowly backed away. I grabbed his shirt.
"You're no going anywhere." He sighed in annoyance.
"Why?" he asked.
"Because I said so."
"That doesn't mean anything."
"Whatever." Ayato came in.
"Yours truly wants you to play with him not Subaru."
"I wasn't playing with Subaru, you can go play with Latte for a while." Saee laughed.
"You're coming with me."

Ayato grabbed my shirt and dragged me outside. I was just like a rag doll. Reiji stopped us.

"Get out of the way, tableware otaku."

I stifled a laugh. Reiji just grabbed my shirt and dragged me to the limo. Ayato dragged me back inside. Subaru dragged me to the garden.

"Will you all please stop?! It's like I'm your personal rag doll maid. I'm gonna wait until you all apologise."

They all sighed in annoyance. I got on and sat between Saee and Yui. Saee looked pale.

"Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah, I'm f-fine."
"You don't look fine." I pierced a bit of my skin. She immediately drank it.
"Sorry." Yui stared at us.
"She can heal if she drinks blood." She nodded her head, showing that she understood.
"Okay, fine! I'm sorry!" Ayato said.
"Geez, so dramatic."

He rolled his eyes. We arrived at school, I checked my timetable...civics. I walked pass a teacher but he suddenly burst out laughing. His laugh was so random and weird. I couldn't help laughing myself. (fairyfreemaid Remember camp, space thing). Saee and Yui giggled behind me. I copied his laugh, causing them to laugh too.

"What are you girls laughing at?" the teacher asked.
"Uh nothing, it's just something we said."

He eyed us then walked off. I went to my classroom and sat down. Ayato moved his desk next to mine.

"Yours truly wants to spend some time with you."
"Stop with the yours truly thing already!"
"Why?" My mouth fell open.
"Are you serious? It's annoying."
"So?" I lightly punched him.
"Hello class, I am your substitute teacher. I have no idea what civics is so I need someone to explain it to me."

I mouthed 'dumb much' to Saee. She nodded. The teacher chose Reiji. He gave a perfect explanation of civics. Well obviously, he was basically a nerd. No offence to him.

The teacher said to continue with our work but we didn't have any so everyone just played games on their laptops.

"Are you meant to be playing games?" asked the teacher.
"Uh yes, we are having a competition next lesson," Ayato answered.
"Oh okay." Saee covered Reiji's mouth before he could say anything.

~After class~

The 'bullies' came up to me.

"We're sorry, we shouldn't have judged you." I smiled.
"It's fine-"
"Sorry." They bowed down to me.
"Please no, get up."
"What is happening here?" a random teacher asked.
"She's making us obey her."
"I am-"
"Be quiet (Y/n), go to!" I slowly went to the detention room but Ayato stopped me.
"It wasn't her fault," he exclaimed fiercely.
"No, they should listen."

He turned his head towards them and gave them a death glare. The girls gulped. They were scared.

"What is going on here, Ayato?" the teacher asked.
"They have no feelings and no heart! Don't they understand what (Y/n) has to go through?! She's been trying to fit in but it's not so easy when people bully her about her birthmark and who she's dating!" The teacher looked shocked.
" this true?"
"Yes, it is ma'am," Saee interrupted.
"Hey guys, you don't-"
"Stop hurting yourself by saving us," Subaru said.
"Who's telling the truth here?" the teacher asked.
"You wouldn't dare disobey me," Ayato said in a dangerously low tone. The teacher shivered.
"I-I understand. Girls, come with me."
"What's with the disobeying thing?"
"Our father's an important person," he replied with hatred in his voice.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

~At the mansion~

I slowly walked around the garden, thinking about what had happened. Did people really hate me that much?

"Hey." It was Kou. I forced a smile.
"Hi, what are you doing here?"
"I can tell you're forcing that smile, what's going on?" he asked.
"Don't lie." He pinned me against the wall.
"I don't think Ayato would want you to do that."
"Shu?" Why was he here? Wasn't he supposed to be with Saee?
"You know, Shu's right," added Yui. Kou wouldn't let go. Shu just walked off lazily.
"Kou, you should really let go of (Y/n)," Yui exclaimed while trying to pull him off.

He just pushed her. This made her scrape her knee. I pushed Kou off - it was hard with his death grip - and stood in front of Yui.

"You are getting no where near her."
"Forgot about us?"
"Yuma, let her go." He just smirked and bit into her shoulder. I made an ice sword and he got out Subaru's knife
"Why do you have that?"
"Stole it." He pushed Yui towards Kou. I slashed at him. I should be careful.
"What is the meaning of this?" Reiji asked. I just grabbed Yui and Subaru's knife and left.

~In my room~

I gave Subaru his knife back. Saee had cleaned Yui's wound. *sigh*
"Anything wrong?" Saee asked.
"Just tired."

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