Chapter 17

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Zane roamed the countryside for a good part of the night.His senses were sharp and he felt invigorated to have them back… his power to control such a dangerous element, his ability to create from within himself fire, to direct it however he pleased.Plus he could feel Bree’s blood in him.Never before had he ever felt someone’s blood in his veins, usually all he felt was renewed strength.But as Bree’s blood raced through him and became absorbed by his body, he could smell her, feel her.She was still alive, that much he did know even though he was miles from her now.

And that sense produced by her blood was able to lead him to her enemies.

Zane followed the stench of hate and jealousy.It was like rotten flesh except that it was worse, rotten living flesh.Human?Was he following the scent of a traitorous human?Maybe he wouldn’t find the five vampires yet but he could at least have some fun with his renewed power on any wandering humans he came across.

Zane approached a good sized hut secluded in the forest.As he neared, he could hear voices; jolly, laughing, as if coming from a pub.He could smell the alcohol.So, the filthy mortals were drunk on booze.It would be funny to watch them try to escape him, Zane thought.They’d be falling all over each other.

Zane walked cautiously toward the hut, barely visible in his black clothing.Bree’s blood was calming, making him steady, so his aim would be deadly.

When Zane pushed the door open a crack and looked in, he was a bit surprised at what he found. There were several humans, men and women.They were in the company of one vampire.Zane knew him, he was boisterous and self centered.He was none other than Maurice himself.

Maurice sat at the makeshift bar with a decorative woman on each side of him.Each woman was blond and busty, flaunting cleavage as well as the upper hems of their thongs where their pants pulled back from their perfectly curved backs at they sat.Stupid bitches.They think that they are in good with one of the vampires, they think it makes them special, invincible, immune from injury or death.But for as much as Maurice liked to brag about how much clout he had in the vampire world, he was only a common vampire who lived in a regular house with maybe only one or two slaves to assist him.Plus, these women were unaware that they were only sex toys, and later food, for this Maurice that they thought liked him so much.They were just too dumb and useless to his cause.

Zane peered around at the rest of the people in the large hut.They were most likely escaped slaves with a reason for vengeance against the vampires, especially the ones in high power.This is where Maurice came in, and the other four…. They wanted overthrow Zane and his family.Zane didn’t understand it, he was good to the vampire population and most vampires regarded him as having a fair and wise authority.Everyone knew of his cruelty to humans, both vampire and human alike knew, but that didn’t bother the vampires because humans could always be replaced.They weren’t valuable.Of course there were some vampires that did not agree with human cruelty, there were a few that treated their slaves well, but that was Zane’s personal life and as long as it did not affect his ability to lead, they didn’t care too much about it.

A strapping man with dark hair chugged a mug of beer and laughed loud and boisterous at a joke told by the hefty man beside him.Maurice grinned and the two bimbos giggled, both were rubbing Maurice’s arms on either side.A group of people were forming a circle on the other end of the hut, playing drinking games.

Zane watched this scene with interest. What were these people thinking?Did they think that if they actually helped the five vampires with the plan to capture and hold Zane until the curse was irreversible that they would get special preference once there was a change of power?They’d surely be thrown into a dungeon later to be eaten… if they could aid in overthrowing Zane, they could band together and cause a rebellion and then, another war.The vamps didn’t want that.It would interrupt their cozy lives too much, breaking the crystal bubble that surrounded their worlds.

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