Chapter 18

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For days Bree remained motionless.Jasmine stayed with her day and night, applying the techniques she had used on the members of her tribe that had been nearly drained by vampires so long ago.There were times when Bree would sweat profusely and Jasmine would have to keep wiping her head with a cool, wet cloth.

Jasmine had placed Bree in Zane’s bed.She was able to carry her easily enough, after all she was a vampire and humans were light as feathers to them.Now Bree lie, her pale face contrasting with the crimson red beddings all around her, the velvet bed covering, the satin sheets, the black and red pillows.The room was deep red, everywhere red, with the exception of the marble floor, which was black.The rug that lay under and around the bed was black with an intricate red border, even the chandelier that hung from the middle of the lofted black ceiling was bejeweled with black crystals that twinkled darkly in the light.Jasmine preferred pale greens and pinks and blues, but she did like the warmth of Zane’s room.

Jasmine walked through the anteroom and out toward the balcony.It was twilight, the crescent moon hung low in the sky.There were thin lines of clouds that drifted across the moon.She wondered where Zane was, if he was hurt, or even still free.It had been several days.The bile rose in her stomach as she thought of all the bad things that could happen.He could be caught and locked away somewhere far away and beyond help.Bree could die.There were so many things that could go wrong.Yet, she had seen Zane’s power return, she told herself.She had seen its ferocity, its strength.Certainly he would be untouchable.But then there was always the question, how long would it take before the effect of Bree’s blood wore off and he lost that power?

Then she heard it, the sound of a voice from inside.It was so soft that she could have been imagining it, yet she ran.She swung around the door into the anteroom so quickly that her pale cream chiffon skirts flew out from her delicate frame like a billowing cloud.Jasmine ran into Zane’s room and flew to his bed where Bree lay.

“Zane?”It was a mere whisper.“Zane?Jasmine?” Bree was waking up.

“I’m here, child.” Jasmine breathed with excitement. “I’m right here!”

Bree’s eyes fluttered as Jasmine lay her cold hand on Bree’s head.Then they opened.They were big and warm in her gaunt face.“Has Zane returned?”

“No.Not yet.”

“How long has it been?”

Jasmine cast her eyes down.Her pale, porcelain forehead was creased with lines of worry even though she tried to hide it.Bree’s voice sounded again, this time alarmed.“How long?” She tried to sit but Jasmine gently pushed her back down.

“Fifteen days.He returned after only three nights and brought back a new slave with him.He is holding her in the dungeon, in a cell away from the others.The vampires are not to feed on her.”

Bree shook her head. “She must have information then.”

“Yes, that is what Zane said.She was willing to tell him everything that she knew about the plan to harm him.”

“Then why?” Bree’s eyes opened more fully now, causing her to look much less sleepy.There were still dark circles under them though, and her face was emaciated.“Why is he keeping her down there if she is helping him?”Jasmine looked down.She didn’t understand Zane’s ways any more than Bree did.“Jasmine,” Bree clutched Zane’s mother’s arm weakly, “I must go down there.I wish to see her. Can you take me to her?”

Jasmine knew that to do such a thing against her son’s wishes was a huge no-no.She tried to discourage Bree. “Not until you are better.”

“Then can you bring her to me?”

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