Chapter 62

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The two formidable vampires walked with purpose down the main hall of Zane’s large castle.Their long trip coats wafted up behind them as they moved the air around them slightly.The hall was wide and so very high, its lofty rafters nearly as high as the cathedral’s were. It was magnificent, adorned with gold and silver as well as sparkling chandeliers and large flaming cauldrons kept lit at all times by slaves.

Other vampires watched as Darius and Zane passed by, nodding to them in friendly gestures.Both Zane and Darius looked back at them, expressionless, and the vampires then knew and accepted that they were on to something very important.Slaves scattered at their passing, seeking to hide in nearby halls, passages, or nooks.They momentarily left their duties of polishing marble or stone pillars, or combing the dust from heavy draperies. Some slaves were scouring or polishing intricate carvings with toothbrushes while others mopped the floors, using toothbrushes to get into all of the corners.Seems like so many slaves would be about, but they were very scattered or not even seen at times because the hall was so long, running the length of the entire castle.It was nearly a quarter of a mile long, becoming a brightly lit structure with many windows as it passed through courtyards and gardens.

When they reached the main gate that would lead them down below the castle and eventually into the depths of the dungeon, both vampires stopped.Zane looked at Darius, silent and still and dark.Darius sighed and looked back at him.When their eyes locked, they seemed to be communicating secretly, silently.There were no words to describe the anger they felt now, anger at that one dingy little human man that could have brought them to their knees, brought the two greatest vampires, including the Emperor himself, into a situation of helplessness and one that required a show of mercy from someone other than themselves.Darius thought about his weak little human wife.He loved her so dearly, to imagine a world without her in it grieved him, the thought threatened to bring blackness upon him forever.He needed to turn her into a vampire, why was she so adamant to become like him?Like Zane and Bree?Mitzi had known Bree as a human and she knew her now as the vampire.There wasn’t much difference, she was still the same Bree, just in a newer, stronger body.One that required human blood to sustain itself.But even Bree had learned to live with that fact, and if Bree could, Mitzi could, too.Feeding on humans didn’t have to be a bad experience at all for anyone.

“We need to kill him.” Darius’ words startled Zane.Zane rolled his eyes after a minute and looked up, sighing.

“I told you I don’t want to do that.He needs to suffer for what he has done.”

“He is rightfully Mitzi’s husband if he is still alive.”

“Not true!” Zane scoffed as he turned toward the gate.He unhooked his heavy alchemy pendant from his belt and shoved it into the keyhole, turning it violently.When the lock clicked open, he gave the heavy iron bars one shove and the gate swung slowly inward.The grating sound of its hinges echoed down the long, dark and damp corridor underneath the castle.When Zane looked back at Darius, his face was set in stone, unreadable, but his words were spoken with conviction. Zane’s lip twisted upward slightly as he spoke in disgust. “Brady committed adultery on her so many times, their marriage was annulled long ago.In fact,” Zane shifted his weight and smiled slightly, “if it makes you feel any better, it was annulled before it even began.She was forced to marry him against her will.That is not a marriage.It is supposed to be done out of love and free will.”

Zane stepped through the gate and began the long trek underground.Darius followed him, shoving the gate closed behind him.“Zane-.”


“Mitzi, she’ll do it.”

Darius flinched as Zane spun around on him.“WHAT?And you were going to let me hurt him first and then tell me later that she was going to go along with this?”

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