Chapter 3

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The next day Bree’s mother passed. It was several days after her burial before Bree returned to the park. One night, just after a rain and when the air was heavy and fog lay in low areas, she walked to her bench to find Zane sitting there again. She had brought a yellow rose with her to give to him. This would be her last night in the park. He didn’t like her, that she could tell, but she still wanted to thank him for putting up with her that one night she had sat here with him and cried. She knew what it was like to seek solitude and she probably wouldn’t have liked being intruded upon like she had done to him so many nights.

Zane watched Bree approaching. He had not fed recently which left enough room for all of her blood for when he would kill her. Of course, before he drained her, he would make her hurt for all the times she had bothered him.

Bree stopped several feet from Zane. He looked up at her from under his brow and his now dark eyes looked large and even a bit ferocious as they studied her. Behind her back she held the yellow rose, waiting for the right time to give it to him. She had no idea how he would react and she was prepared for the worst, meaning total rejection, (her innocent mind didn’t comprehend any other danger at this stage), and she was ready to walk away and leave him, and the park, for good.

Zane noticed that she was wearing a dark sleeveless dress over blue jeans, the hem of the dress was scalloped and its many points rested around her knees in the still air. Ha, so she had taken his advice after all to dress dark at night in the park to hide herself better from any kind of crazy person that might want to harm her.He inwardly thought now about how ironic this was, the silly thing protected herself just so she could come to him unharmed and perfect and delicious.The empire waist of the dress enhanced her small frame. Her hair was rolled up into a clip. Her face was paler than he remembered it to be. Certainly she was no vampire, she still smelled delectable and he couldn’t wait to sink his fangs into her and taste the wonderfully warm blood as it rushed into his mouth.

Bree tried to speak but hesitated. Something in the way he looked at her frightened her.

“I see you have come again, after I made it clear so many times that I didn’t want to have to deal with you.”

“I have come to bring you something.”

“I don’t want anything from you.”

Bree froze. She couldn’t believe that this man could be so heartless. He continued. “However, I have something for you.”

“I don’t understand.” Bree’s face was twisted in an expression of confusion and fear. Zane’s blood yearned for hers and he became excited about the kill. He got up and walked over to where Bree stood. He was a whole head taller than her and when she realized this she became more afraid. As she backed away from him, he continued to approach her until he had her backed against a tree.

“Please, I won’t be coming back.” Bree’s voice was soft and shaky. “I promise. Please believe me.”

Zane could smell her blood on her breath as she spoke. He could finally smell her fear. It was wonderful. He allowed his fangs to emerge and with his face near to hers, he bared them at her with a terrible growl.

Bree choked on her breath as her eyes grew huge with her fear. Zane backed away from her face and spoke evenly. “You know, it is not nice to bother someone who doesn’t want you around.” Bree remained speechless. “Especially vampires. We don’t take kindly to being disrespected.”

“But I didn’t know!” Bree protested innocently as her tears came. When her life couldn’t possible get any worse, it did. All this time, she had been alone in the park at night with a vampire, not knowing it. Why did he wait until now to show this to her? She assumed it was because tonight would be the night he would kill her. At this stage she didn’t know if she cared or not. Her outlook in life was nothing short of bleak.

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