Chapter 26

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Bree screamed and wailed.The doctor that stood over her was experienced with delivering slaves’ babies, but those babies were human.This one coming out of Bree was a pure blooded vampire.He didn’t know such a thing could even happen, but there had been a lot of crazy things happening since Bree had come into Zane’s castle.

Zane was holding Bree’s hand.She was clutching his so hard that her knuckles were white.Jasmine stood on the other side of the bed and told Bree to keep breathing.Bree panted and gulped and even spit up stuff from her stomach.Eventually, she vomited off the side of the bed.Zane screamed at Mitzi to clean it up right away. She was quick to get a mop and clean up the mess. Up until now she had stayed with Bree during the birth, even after Zane had threatened her out in the gardens.She hoped that Zane would be so delighted with his new child that he would forget his oath to punish Mitzi for speaking up to him.

With each contraction, Bree wailed.It was like there was something huge hooked deeply in her belly button, and it felt like it was being yanked out, ripping all her insides along with it.Every fiber of her, starting from her back and then reaching around to her front, screamed out with the intense cramps.“Make it stop! Make it stop!!” Bree was delirious with the pain and she was sweating profusely. “Get him out!It hurts!!”

Zane rubbed the sweat off of Bree’s brow. “It will be over soon, Bree.Just listen to the doctor, he’ll tell you when it is the time to push.”

“Damn it! I want to push right now!”

“You can’t yet.” The doctor tried to remain calm even though he was nervous and scared inside. He had never delivered a vampire out of a human before.Vampires were so much stronger, and he was afraid that this baby would tear Bree to pieces. “You are not dilated fully yet. Pushing now will tear your cervix.” The baby was moving like mad inside of her.The doctor could see it through her skin, which was pulled as tight as it could possibly go.Each time the baby moved sharply, Bree screamed.

“Do something!” Zane hissed at the doctor.“Damn it, its killing her!”

“I can’t.She isn’t dilated enough yet.Please, be patient.”

“How can I be patient when my wife is suffering like this?!”

“Zane, please calm down.” Bree looked up at him, her hair saturated with sweat and sticking to her forehead.“Childbirth is not meant to be a walk in the park.”But she looked exhausted.Her eyes were sleepy, her face was swollen, her breathing raspy.Zane was getting worried.He looked at his mother.She looked up from Bree to look at him.Zane’s father stood in the hall and waited.Mitzi, after cleaning up the floor where Bree had vomited, waited by the wall should she be summoned again in some way to help.

It took hours.Finally, it was time to push.“You will feel your body pushing on its own.” The doctor told her. “Push with it, push with the contractions.”

Bree did as she was told.Then she yelled out.“I can’t push with the contractions!! They hurt enough all by themselves!”

“You must do as the doctor says.” Zane bent down and kissed Bree’s wet forehead.He felt terrible that she was going through this because of him.He had given her this child, this child that was nearly tearing her apart as it tried to find its way out.Then he turned to the doctor angrily.“Why is it moving so much in there?How is it supposed to get out when it is twisting and writhing?”

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