Chapter 53

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A week later on a beautiful warm day with a lazy haze blanketing the land, the sun’s light softened and diluted by the haze, Zane came out to join Bree on the balcony.She sat at a little bistro table made of wrought iron and stone and tiny earth colored tiles, a dainty cup in her hand filled with coffee.Zane could smell the coffee brewing when he had woken up, but did not see Fawn anywhere around when he went into the kitchen to get himself a mug. If she wasn’t working, she was not to frolic or loaf around in his quarters.She had designated areas where she was to be confined to; her room far removed from any of theirs, her tiny bathroom with a toilet and shower, and a small sitting room with a couch, a window, and a bunch of books.Zane then joined Bree on the balcony.

Bree looked up and she saw him coming toward her with a mug in his hands. “Are you hungry? Last night must have taken a lot out of you.”

“Yes.” Zane came over to where Bree was sitting and pulled out the other chair and sat as well.“Where is Fawn?”

“Sleeping, most likely.Or in her room sewing. I made the coffee myself, Zane.Is that alright?”

“Of course.” Zane sneered slightly as he looked off at the beautiful horizon. “I am exhausted.I got no sleep last night.” Bree looked worriedly at him.He appeared exhausted.There were deep gray circles under his eyes and they were rimmed with red, and the faint lines of little gray veins could be seen on his forehead near his hair and just in front of his ears.She took his hand and studied it.“You haven’t fed in quite a while, have you, Vampire?”


“Maybe that is why you had such a restless night again?”

“You could be on to something there.I haven’t let myself get this hungry in a very, very long time.I have always had plenty of food around me for the taking. I’m greedy and selfish, and when I want to eat, I just do it liberally.”Bree shifted nervously at his words.She looked over at him and he was eyeing her, and his eyes were nearly black.“Zane, how long has it been?”

“Nearly a week.”

“Don’t you need to feed every day?”

“Every couple of days if I drain my meals.Otherwise, yes, every day.”

“Well, maybe you should go then and feed.You look awful. And, doesn’t it hurt you not to feed?”

“When a vampire lets himself get too hungry, ‘hurt’ is an understatement.”

“Distract yourself from your bad night…. Tell me what the vampire hunger is like?”

Zane sighed. “You’d have to experience it to understand.Really, you would.But, if I had to describe it, I would say – vein crushing.”

Bree tilted her head and gave him a quizzical look. “Vein crushing?”

“Yes. All over, especially in the forearms and calves. Anyplace that is lower than the heart. The blood can’t circulate properly because it is so thick.So, it stays near the heart where it is needed the most.It hurts on the bottom of the feet, the pressure… it is agony to walk.The head pounds like a migraine. It just – hurts, everywhere. And the mouth dries out.Smelling human blood will drive a vampire this hungry nuts.Despite it all, the vampire will still be a lot stronger than the human, assuring the vampire that he will catch his prey and finally alleviate the torture.”Bree just looked at him incredulously. “There it is. Like I said, you will never understand the pain unless you have felt it. It is the ultimate way to torture a vampire.Lock him away from human blood and let it torment him and eventually, weaken him.It is awful.”

“Zane,” Bree clutched his lower arms and lead him to the door of the room. “Go now. Feed.”

Zane wanted to ask Bree to accompany him, but he knew she’d be mortified and would strongly oppose. For some weird reason, he didn’t want to kill today.He figured that if she were with him, he could stop before he killed whomever he chose to feed on today. Yet, there was the very good possibility that he wouldn’t be able to stop, and then Bree would become disgusted with him. Plus, he never made feeding on his slaves pleasant for them.

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