Chapter 25

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Just under nine months later…

Bree was big with baby.It was amazing how her little body could hold up to a belly so large.When she rose up out of her chair, she had to push herself to gain balance and she heaved slightly.When she walked, she waddled.But to Zane, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes on.It was his child in her, a full blooded vampire that she carried within her, and it had made the pregnancy somewhat interesting.

It became apparent that her body was making an excess of blood to feed the child. Bree was worried about what she was going to do about feeding the baby once he was born, but Zane assured her that if her body was compensating for the need for blood now, that it would continue to do so then.Such is true when a mother breastfeeds, her body makes enough for the baby’s needs.If the baby takes more milk, the mother produces more.If the baby takes less, it produces less.“You are going to be fine.” Zane told her. “You may be heavy with blood, but I’m sure I can help you with that if our son doesn’t eat much.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you would love that.” Bree smiled up at him.They were once again back at Zane’s castle where Jasmine could keep a close eye on Bree should she have any troubles getting around.Mitzi attended to Bree’s every need and Chloe kept Bree company since Zane had forbidden Bree to see her human friends that she worked with in the kitchen back in the days when she was a mere slave of Zane’s.

Chloe and Bree were planning to take a stroll in the gardens when Mitzi appeared to gather the laundry.She bowed and cast her eyes down when she saw Bree in her bedroom.Bree heard her enter and looked up.“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were here.” When she turned shyly to leave the room, Bree stopped her.

“Mitzi, wait.”

“Yes, my Lady?”

Ever since Bree and Zane had returned from the resort a few weeks ago, Mitzi has been addressing Zane as My Lord and Bree as My Lady.Bree thought it to be a bit much and poor Mitzi was so humble as it was.Bree felt bad for the girl, having been married to an abusive husband who was part of the conspiracy to destroy Zane by kidnapping and holding him hostage long enough so that he couldn’t impregnate Bree in time to end the curse.“Mitzi, please come to me.Here, sit with me on the bed.” Bree patted the bed next to herself as she sat.

“But my Lady, you know that Master will not approve.”

“Zane isn’t here right now, and since you are my slave, I would like you to come here and sit by me.”

“Ok.” Mitzi was a year older than Bree but she was so submissive that she seemed like a child to her.Bree wanted her to feel like she was the grown woman that she was.Nervous, Mitzi sat next to Bree.Bree took her hand. “You’re trembling.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry.I know you have been through a lot.I’d like you to know that if you ever need to talk about it to someone who will listen and care, that you may come to me.”

“My Lady, that is so kind of you, but if Master finds out…”

“Zane spared you, didn’t he?” Bree stroked Mitzi’s shaking hand.Mitzi nodded and looked down into her lap. “Well, that means something.Zane does not care about those he kills, yet he let you live.But life can’t be worth living if you have to stay cooped up in a shell all of the time.I want you to know that you can trust me.”

Mitzi stared down at her hands and fidgeted.“Master hates me, though.One of the conspirators to ruin his eternity and his family was my husband.In fact, Brady was a big part of it.”

“But, Brady mistreated you.” Bree rubbed her hand over Mitzi’s head and stroked her hair as she smiled softly at her.

“Deep down I wanted him to get caught.” Mitzi continued to look down at her hands. “I wanted to see him pay.I wanted Zane to find him and all of his dirty friends…” She shuddered at the mention of Brady’s friends following which she became deathly quiet and her eyes looked over at the wall, as if they were seeing something far away through it.Bree could see that she was remembering something horrible, too horrible to cope with.Mitzi began to shake.“I never did anything right.Master will eventually tire of me, I cannot be good enough for him, he will burn me!”

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