Chapter 44

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Darius pretty much gave the same speech to six of his new slaves as Zane had given to his upon their return home. Do as you are told, don’t speak to any vampire unless spoken to, and stay out of their way.Finish your duties for the day, even if it takes you into the night.If any vampire wishes to snack on you, allow them to do so without any objection.Uniforms must be complete, tidy and clean. Hair must be secured in place, especially if in the kitchen.Grounds men must wear long pants and long sleeves regardless of the weather or temperature.No second chances to avoid punishments.Punishments will be severe. Protesting a punishment or begging release from it will land you in the dungeon minus your tongue.The exception with Darius’s slaves though was Fawn.After he dismissed the six that were to be common slaves, he took Fawn by her arm.She shuddered.“Why do you quiver?”

“Because, you are a powerful vampire and me just a lowly slave.” Fawn did not look up at him. “You can snap my arm in an instant.”

Darius chuckled, causing Fawn to look at him.He did not look back at her at first.“No, I am not going to break you.” He then gazed down at her. “As long as you are a good slave.Your – fellow slave - will be my Mitzi.When you see her, you will then see how I deliver punishments to slaves that do not obey me.”Darius and Fawn walked on silently until they reached the doors to his private quarters.He entered and walked down the hall, beckoning Fawn to follow him.He found Mitzi in the kitchen organizing and cleaning the counters.When she heard his footsteps, she turned.Darius motioned for Fawn to stop before she could be seen by Mitzi.

“Master, you are home.” She bowed deeply, putting her chin nearly on her chest.Her wounds from him were much better although they still looked severe. The side of her face was no longer swollen, but it was marred with a yellowing bruise that was still black on the edges and mottled within.There was a gash that was now a long scab that ran from the corner of her lip down to the middle of her chin.The white of her eye above her injured cheek was red from bleeding under the surface.Yet, she had her hair neatly tied back in a long ponytail and her uniform was clean and pressed.“Would you like some tea and cookies perhaps?” Always thinking of him, poor Mitzi, poor, poor thing…

While he had been away, Darius had lost sight of how extensively he had beaten Mitzi.When he saw her again, he was sick with disgust at himself.She was only trying to please him, if he had only let her explain like she had begged him to do, this would not have happened.“Mitzi, how are you feeling?”

Mitzi smiled as much as she could before the split in her lip stopped her with pain.She instinctively put her hand up, touching the cut with her fingertips. “Master, how kind of you to ask.I am well.You just missed Jasmine, she returned home to greet Zane.”Mitzi was taken aback by Darius’s sudden show of interest in her wellbeing.

“I have someone here that I would like you to meet.She will be working for you.”For you? Mitzi thought… “I think you two will get along well.”Darius then motioned for Fawn to step into the doorway.He took her arm and led her inside until they were standing in front of Mitzi.Fawn could not stop staring at the extent of Mitzi’s injuries.“Mitzi, this is Fawn.I trust that you will instruct her well, and tell her the rules.”

“I will, Master. And thank you.”

“For what?”

“For letting me have another slave to work with me.You have no idea how lonely I have been.”

“Actually,” Darius looked a little perplexed, “May I speak with you in private?”

Mitzi became alarmed. Oh, no, he is angry with me for something.But what? She didn’t think she could bear another beating from Darius, but she followed him anyway as he led her out onto one of his balconies.The breeze was delightful and the fields in the distant horizon were blanketed in a lovely warm haze.She turned to Darius and stood before him, her head bowed with guilt.Whatever he delivered to her, she must take without objection.

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