Chapter 22

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The tunnel seemed to go on forever.Bree could not see the end of it.It reached far up ahead and the walls converged to a dot, no end in sight.The lamps with the torches used to light the way dotted the passage, they and the repetitive structure of the tunnel created the effect of holding two mirrors face to face.Bree knew that if she tumbled and rolled, she would get up and not know which way was which.Zane continued to walk with her, looking at her from time to time.His expression showed that he was glad that he could finally be taking her down this passage.He eyed her to be sure that she did not become afraid, and if she looked as though she did, he guided her, holding her hand the whole way.

“We are deep underground.” Zane spoke gently to Bree.“It may get chilly. If you need any heat, please let me know and I will provide it for you.”Bree wasn’t sure what he meant, but as they continued down further into the deep passage below, she did become cold as the damp air seemed to cling to her arms.Zane noticed that she began to rub her arms and shiver slightly.He stopped and looked at her, amused.

“I’m cold, Zane.” Bree didn’t want to trouble him with such things that did not affect or apply to him, but the dampness was getting to her. “I’m sorry.We still have a long way to go, don’t we?”

“We are about a third of the way there.” He put his fingers under her chin and tipped her face up to him, then he caressed her cheek, softly, gently.“I can get you warmed up in less than a minute.” He ushered her to the wall and told her to stay behind the arch for a second.She was thoroughly confused but did as she was told.He stood up against her, his back to her, and with a great semi-circular sweep of his arm, flames burst forth, cracking and hissing and roaring.The delicate chiffon layers of Bree’s dress as well as her hair wafted up suddenly around her with the rush of sudden heat. The flames illuminated the tunnel with bright light, then settled down to burn in a semi-circle around them, with the calmness of a campfire.

Zane then turned to face Bree.She was staring at the flames, an expression of terror frozen onto her face.Zane laughed and she turned her wide eyes to him.“Bree, are you warming up now?”

Bree just stared at Zane in disbelief. “Yes,” she breathed, her voice nearly a whisper, “Yes. Yes.”

“I had forgotten, you have never witnessed my power.I’m sorry if I frightened you.”

“No. No!It’s ok.” Bree was still shocked.She knew about Zane’s power to control fire, but she had no idea just how potentially strong that power was until now.

For several minutes Bree and Zane sat inside the wide semi-circle of fire, holding onto each other.She began to feel very cozy, even sleepy.Eventually she dozed off in Zane’s arms, her head resting against his chest.Zane killed the flames with a slow sweep of his hand over them, then lifted Bree up into his arms.Her head fell back over his arm and the curve of her neck was exposed to him.He wanted to bite her, to take some of her blood, if only a little, but he didn’t think it would be fair to do this while she slept and was unaware.Not to mention that the initial puncture would probably wake her up.So he walked with her in his arms until they reached the end of the tunnel.

The stairs leading up and out of the tunnel were many.Zane climbed them without effort until he came above ground.The gnarly trees of this wilderness twisted hauntingly in the light of the full moon, which hung low in the trees.The sky was a shade of deep, rich blue, the first light of morning, and a beautiful mist hung amidst the trees.Zane carried Bree through the labyrinth of thick forest for a few hours.Eventually, just before the sun was about to rise, he came to a stone gate, hidden well by ivy and vines.

Zane produced a key and opened the gate.On the other side, so contrary to where they came from and completely unexpected, was an orchard.The many trees were in full bloom, and they seemed to go on and on.When Zane crested a small hill, he stopped to look down the long meadow filled with flowering cherry trees.

After taking in this breathtaking view of his private estate, he looked down at Bree, still asleep in his arms.Then he began to walk again until he reached another stone wall with an iron gate that divided the orchard from the sprawling lawns surrounding a very large stone cottage.

“Bree.” Zane bent his head down so that he could whisper into her ear.“Bree, we’re here.”She stirred in his arms.Then, slowly, her eyes fluttered open.

“Oh, my, it’s morning!Zane, how long have you been carrying me?”

“Well, let’s see…. A few more miles through the tunnel, and another several miles through the woods. Then through our private orchard.”

“Orchard? You have an orchard?”

“Oh, yes.It’s bright and happy and flowery and soft.And it goes a long way out, you can get lost in it.”

“Lost?”Bree looked up at Zane quizzically.

“Yeah, sure.But then I can have fun finding you, remember?”

“Ugh, you’re a jerk sometimes, you know that?” Bree shook her head and the sea of curls of her hair shook over Zane’s leather clad arms, enshrouding them.

Zane laughed heartily.They both knew what he was talking about, he was referring to that night that he had hunted her ….. and got her…. It had been a horrifying night for Bree, but a delectable night for Zane.

And then, he thought, really thought, about those nights with Bree that he had nearly killed her.That first night in the park, she was wearing a formal gown, she had been crying.But he hadn’t been hungry.Then the next two nights, how he let himself get hungry specifically for the purpose of draining her.Oh, how he wanted to suck every last drop of her life out that night.

Bree, Zane’s beautiful wife.How thankful he was that she had forgiven him for all the times that he had harmed her…. how thankful he was for all the times he had planned on eating her and didn’t.As he thought back, all he could wonder was how could he have ever come so close to destroying something so beautiful….

“Zane?” Bree was looking up at him, concerned. “What are you thinking about?Is everything alright?”

Zane snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at his bride.“Oh, just stuff.Nothing for you to be worried about, though.”

“Are you going to put me down soon?”

“Not until we have crossed the threshold.”

Zane carried Bree through a thick, wooden arched door that led inside of the old stone cottage.He carried her to a room where heavy black curtains were drawn and laid her on a large bed covered in a soft, black leather duvet.Bree lay there and watched Zane in amazement as he snapped his fingers, producing a small flame at the end of one finger, then went about the room lighting all of the candles with it.

Then he stood at the end of the bed and looked at her, really looked at her, his eyes smoky and dark.She was laying there, her head supported by black pillows, her dark golden brown hair fanned out all around her.The many delicate layers of her dress billowed around her softly.There were flowers still in her hair from the wedding. Her face was glowing with a love unlike any other he had ever known, but also in her eyes was the shy fear of a virgin.

For several minutes they stayed like this.Then, Zane jumped on top of her suddenly, straddling her with his knees on either side of her waist.Bree gasped sharply, it had happened – so – fast! He put his hands on either side of her face and held her there, gently rubbing her cheeks with his thumbs.Then he moved his hands to her small wrists and held her hands above her head. He bent down and with his mouth nipped one of the flowers from her hair.She barely felt it and before she realized what he had done, it was already gone.

Zane pinned Bree beneath him, white and sweet and delicate she was between his rough leather clothing and the black leather duvet.After eating every last flower out of her hair, he raked his hands through it, savoring its softness.Bree closed her eyes and sighed, and when she opened them again, she saw Zane the vampire above her, looking down at her…. his terrible fangs showing in his mouth.

Bree gasped and tried to wriggle free but Zane held her so tight that she could not move at all.He then grabbed at the neckline of her dress with one hand and tried to pull it down, but when it didn’t budge, he became impatient and tore it.The soft, fine fabric gave way easily, ripping from neckline to waist.But he didn’t stop there.He hastily tore the dress completely away from her body, fully destroying it as he did so.And then, as he made love to her, he bit her, sending her into a state of ecstasy.

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