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OKAY SO HONESTLY I CANT SLEEP NOW WITH WHATS HAPPENED. NATE ANS HIS WHOLE CREW BEING ATTACKED BY SECURITY?! How in the hell do you call yourself "SECURITY" if you beat the fans AND the performer & his crew members? That makes NO sense to me. Security are suppose to be the ones keep OneS you safe. Not attacking you. All skate did was try to help a fan bc the security had his hands around her throat and her dad was telling him to let go so Nate jumped in yelling "don't fucking touch her" an 8 year old girl got tazed, but for what? Literally nothing. That's someone's daughter or little sister or granddaughter! How can you live with yourself after this?!

All this boy does is preach love and peace to the world, to us, to his family. But in return, he gets this. He doesn't deserve any of it. Nor does his crew, nor do we. Nate doesn't get enough credit for what he does and honestly, he really needs to. He just proved to us how much he really does love and care for us. I can't stop myself from crying right now because it just breaks my heart seeing him upset. That video of him crying broke me. As of now, the most we can do is be there for Nate. He needs us now more than ever, as well as Swazz, Derek and the rest of the team.  We're family. We're in this together. We ride together, we die together. One Love.

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