Chapter 7

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It was currently late at night, and we all finished a perfect dinner. And by a perfect dinner, we mean by ordering pizza from a nearby pizza place. But the guys had started a fire near the lake, and we were all sitting by it, making marshmallows.

"Let's sing the campfire song song," Jack suggested, and we all laughed.

"Of course you would," Aaron laughed.

"Let's sit around the campfire and sing a campfire song," Jack sang. "A c-a-m-p-f-i-r-e s-o-n-g song." We all started to laugh. "Come on, sing it with me," he pouted, crossing his arms.

"No one wants to sing that stupid song," Ethan chuckled.

"That songs not stupid, it's fire," Jack protested, and we laughed once again. By the time my marshmallow was fully cooked over the fire, I put it into a s'more. Everyone was having their own big conversation with everyone else, while I'm siting here enjoying my s'more. My life basically.

"I can tell your enjoying that," Grayson laughed, and he took a seat next to me on the blanket.

"Really?" I asked. "How?"

"Cause you have some marshmallow near on your cheek," he laughed. "It's near the corners of your mouth."

I rolled my eyes, but I ended up laughing. "Literally one thing that hasn't changed about me." I always make a fool of myself in front of cute guys by having crumbs of food plastered all over my face.

He started laughing, and I searched for a napkin. I think he noticed, cause he then pulled one out saying, "Here." I was actually hoping it could be his lips for a second remembering the last time this happened to me...

"Thanks," I giggled, grabbing it from him. I then cleaned my face, throwing it in the fire once I was done. I soon started to finish up my s'more, trying my hardest not to make a mess with it all over my face. We also started to talk some more about random things, along with everyone else.

After a while, we all decided that it was getting pretty late. Jake and Cameron put out they fire, while the rest of us went inside. Mainly everyone decided that they wanted to go to bed, but not me really. I needed to at least get some of my school work done.

I had changed into comfy pajama shorts, with one of my old sweatshirts, and a tank top under it. I then went outside the balcony from Julia and I's room with my school work. Julia was already going to bed, and she told me she didn't want the ceiling light on just so I could do my work cause it wouldn't help her sleep...

So that's why I went out onto the balcony. I set my stuff on the table that was out here, and I sat in the chair outside here also. I had a better light here also, since the moon was shinning down onto the lake. It also looked very pretty.

I started doing my work, which was basically just some notes I had to take that I had a test on in a few days. I also had my laptop with me, trying to find these notes.

It was until I heard a knock on the glass door that lead from my room, also that broke me away from my thoughts. I jumped a little since I was so focused into my work, and I turned to seeing Grayson opening the sliding door. I had a feeling it was him.

Once he opened it, he came outside, sitting in the other chair near the table. "You just love sneaking up on me don't you," I laughed.

"Kinda," he laughed.

"You know Julia's in there sleeping right?"

"Oh, she is?" he asked. I nodded, letting out a few giggles. "She must be a really heavy sleeper then. I doubt she heard me knocking." We both started to laugh.

"Yeah, I agree on that." We laughed. "Now why'd you come out here and bother me?"

"Oh, I didn't mean to bother you. I can leave if you want," he said, starting to get up.

"No!" I said quickly, grabbing his wrist, getting this feeling inside me. It wasn't just any feeling, it felt like sparks almost... And I even got that butterfly feeling in my stomach. I stared down at our hands, until I realized what was going on. I looked up at him with our eyes getting locked, and I took my hand away from his. "No, you can stay," I said, trying to sound so casual. "I was just kidding."

He then sat back down, and said, "Okay." He was laughing as he did, and I was mentally slapping myself across my face since I looked like an idiot just then. "So...what's up?" I said trying to change the subject.

"Nothing really," he said slightly laughing, and I just smiled a little. "Can we talk about...the baby?" I gulped once he mentioned the baby... I instantly started to get all the memories back then when we dated around the time when I was pregnant with that baby. I still can't imagine I was pregnant just 4 years ago...

"Yeah, what about it?" I asked, trying to sound fine about it.

"Do you miss it?"

"Well, yeah, sometimes I do," I said. "I haven't really thought about it that much anymore though..."

"Occasionally I think about it, but not that much..." he replied. "It stills makes me sad sometimes on how you lost it."

"I know, cause I feel the same," I said. "But you and I both weren't ready for a baby at that time."

"That's true," he said, showing a slight smile on his face. "I just wanted to know if you still felt something about it."

"Yeah, of course I did," giggling a little, while he just smiled. We talked a little after that, but on another conversation. It was actually really nice knowing that he still felt something about that baby, cause usually, I always thought that he had forgotten about it. Just like how I tried to forget him after we broke up...

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