Chapter 1

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Your POV

I walk up the steps of my school, to find my best friend, Nathanael. He's waiting for me there. He gives me his famous dorky smile. I smile back.

"Hey (Y/N)! Where were you yesterday? You missed our nightly inspiration walk." He gives me a concerned look. Nath and I always walk on the streets of Paris at night, waiting for inspiration to hit us like a truck. We also bring our sketch pads along, in case it does. Oh how I love them. But I hated when I missed one.

"I'm so sorry, my tomato child. I had to do my homework." I give him a small smile. He smiles back. We walk into our school, longing for our fifth period art class together. Though, we have every period together. What're the odds. As we walk in, we are greeted by the devil herself, Chloe.

"Well well, it's the dorkiest losers ever. Are you guys coming from the dump?" She cackles in our faces. She then grabs Nath's sketch book that he had in his hands and starts flipping through the pages. I just want to use my ninjutsu skills sooooo badly on her. But I contain myself. I can only use it for self defense.

"Oh, hey look everyone, it's the brattiest and most irritating boy at school. Oops, sorry. I forgot that you were a girl. And by the way, it's illegal to wear that much junk on your face." I stick my tongue out at her and swiftly grab his sketch book back to give it to him. I hear some people in the background say 'Oooh', or 'Burn!' or 'Roasted!' I think that last one was from Nino. I giggle at that.

Nath's POV

"Oh, hey look everyone, it's the brattiest and most irritating boy at school. Oops, sorry. I forgot that you were a girl. And by the way, it's illegal to wear that much junk on your face." (Y/N) sticks her tongue out at Chloe and swiftly grabs my sketch book back to give it back to me.

"Thanks." We walk away like bosses from the scene.

"No prob. No one should ever mess with my friends like that, especially with my tomato child." She winks and giggles. I honestly love how she calls me her tomato child. It leaves me internally blushing of embarrassment. But I feel bad for not doing anything.

Time skip

Still Nath's POV

It's fifth period. (Y/N) and I walk to our seats in Art class. We take our seats next to eachother, like always. We quickly take out our sketch books and begin drawing. Our teacher, Mrs. Davis, starts the class. (My art teacher is actually named Mrs. Davis. XD)

"Hello students. Today, as your first major project of the year, you will draw and color a picture with half of your faces put together, with representation of what makes you, you. This project will be due in three weeks. You will also give a presentation on them, explaining it. The three most artistic ones will be hung up on the school bulletin board. Good luck to all of you." She smiled and took a seat at her desk.

"I can't wait to see how ours turns out!" (Y/N) squealed in joy.

"Me too." I agreed, as we started sketching our design out on scrap paper. A half hour later, (Y/N) speaks up.

"Ok. I've calculated that we need a 17 by 11 inch poster. I'll get the poster paper at the store."

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it."

"No, Nath. It's fine."

"Nope. I'm getting it. That's final." I crossed my arms and put on my stern face. She laughs.

"Ok, how about this? We get it together." She smiles. I feel like her being this sweet should be illegal. But, I can't say it's the first time she was sweet.


Narrator's POV

Nathanael and (Y/N) are 6. They are running around the park as (Y/N)'s father and Nathanael's parents chat on the nearby benches. (Y/N) is chasing Nathanael in their game of tag.

"You can't catch me!" Nathanael says as he looks behind him as he's running. Since Nathanael didn't see where he was going, he tripped and fell. He started crying. (Y/N) kneeled by his side.

"Are you ok my tomato child?" She asked with concern. He giggled a little at his nickname, smiling and nodding only slightly. She checked his knee, it had only a scratch, but it still hurt him. She kissed his scratch like her mother would do to her.

"Thanks." He said as he hugged her tightly.

"No problem my tomato child." She said, hugging back.

End of Flashback

Time skip

(Y/N)'s POV

After Nath and I got the poster, we went to my house to work on it.

"Hi dad. Bye dad." I zoomed by my dad to go to my room and gave him a quick hug. Nathanael followed closely behind.

"Hi Mr. (Y/L/N)." He followed me up our stairs to my room.

"Hello Nathanael." My dad gave him a warm smile. Nath and I reached my room and started to work on our project.

"Ok, the left side can be your face, while the right side can be mine." Nath looked at me, waiting for my signal that what he said was ok. (Pic up above)

"Yup! Sounds good!"

A/N: Jay: Hey what's up hello! If you didn't know, my name is Jay. Did u like my first chapter?

Nath: *comes out of the book* I know I liked it! *smiles*

Jay: *slowly pushes him back into the book* You stay in there... Anyways I'll see you all next time. BYE!!!!🐢🐱🐞🍅

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