Chapter 12

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Jay: Please don't play the song until I say so. I looked for this song all over the place. Or you can do whatever you want. Idc. Ok, onto the chapter.


(Y/N)'s POV

I lunge forward at the duo, ready to taste victory. But, Cat Noir blocks my hit with his staff. I get knocked backwards.

"Why are you doing this?" Cat Noir asks, obviously he wants to help me. But I don't want him to.

"Didn't you know that curiosity killed the cat?" I retort, flying at them and washing them away with my flower petals. As they fall to their doom, Ladybug uses her yoyo to grab onto the side of the tower.

"Cat Noir! Get the flower crown!" She yells at the kitty who is hanging by his tail. I fly away farther from the two. Wait. Where is the rotten tomato?! I go back, in an attempt to find him. From the corner of my eye, I see Ladybug launch her companion in the air.

"Catyclysm!" His claws project black particles off of it. He swipes at my crown, but I duck. I watch as he falls to his doom. As I was ready to see the cat 'land on his paws', I see him get caught foxes? the foxes set him gently let him on down on the ground.

"I got you!" I see a familiar face. Renard.

"Thanks!" Cat Noir stretches. I see Ladybug jump down into the pile of foxes as well.

"Well... This really isn't fair. Is it? Renard, join me. Together, we can rule this city. We will be unstoppable." I lift my head high, ready for his answer.

"I'm sorry (Y/N). I'm afraid I can't accept your offer." I see a single tear drip on his face. He clutches his chest tightly.


Part of the pencil fades away after a minute passes since he used his power. I come up with a plan in my head.

"Very well... I guess I will have to destroy you, just like the rest." A tear makes its way down my cheek as well. My hand brings together a big cluster of flower petals. I throw it, only to have them dodge it. I growl at this, not wanting to lose this battle.

"GET THEM!" I talk to my army of boys, pointing at the superheroes. They do as I say and charge at them, knocking them down and holding them down.

"Make sure you get the fox miraculous as well. That way, he won't be able to stop you." Hawkmoth informs me.

"Got it." As they hold them down, I fly over to them.


I see part of the pencil go away on Renard's pin. I smirk at this. Three more to go...

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug uses her special power, summoning...a flower pot?

"Haha. What are you going to do? Plant me?" I laugh evilly, about to take their miraculouses. I see her smirk.

"Exactly. Cat Noir, extend it!" Cat Noir nods as Ladybug puts the pot on his staff. He extends it, throwing it on my head.

"Gah! It's stuck!" The pot sticks to my head. Without knowing it, I start to rise into the air leaving me at the height of the tower.

Nath's POV

I see all the boys leave us and try to get to get to her to help get the pot off.


I hear the third minute beep. Another part of the pencil fades away. Just two more minutes. I can do this.

My Tomato Child (Nathanael X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now