Chapter 6

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Adrien's POV

After I tried to visit (Y/N) as Cat Noir, I went home, feeling heartbroken. For the first time in forever, I didn't go to school. I spend the day out on the streets as Cat Noir, just patrolling through Paris. I try to get my mind off the subject. I know they're not together, but I just want to keep telling myself that. I can't even tell if I'm angry, sad, or jealous. Maybe I'm even all of the above.

HawkMoth's POV

My skylight window opens, causing my butterflies to scatter about, flying around.

"There's nothing better than jealousy from a teen, especially a super heroine. Might want to be careful with this one though." One specific butterfly lands on the palm of my left hand. I hover my right hand over it, turning it into an akuma. The dark butterfly flies away, to the struggling super hero.

"Fly away my little akuma, and go feed on this heartbroken soul." I raise my cane in the air, awaiting for my akuma to reach it's target.

Adrien's POV

I close my eyes, attempting to push my feelings aside, but it doesn't work. Then, I feel Plagg disappear from my ring, and something dark replaces it.

"Cat Blanc, I am Hawkmoth. I know you feel pain. Let me help you in this time of sorrow. That is why I give you the power of more destruction. You must bring me Ladybug's miraculous, then bring me yours. And you will get rid of the boy who took (Y/N) away from you. You will have her all to yourself. Do we have a deal?" HawkMoth echoes through my head.

"I'll do it. (Y/N) will belong to no one but me!" I feel my whole suit, ears, mask, and tail transform from black, to white. And my mask's shape changes ever so slightly. (Pic above) I feel more power run through my veins than ever before.

I make a trip to the school, since I know that's where she most likely is. On my way there, with my right hand, I touch almost everything in my sight, breaking and rotting everything with no effort and limitation. And I hear screams from Parisians, running from me, they're worst nightmare.

I finally arrive at the school, and I see that kids are just getting out from class for lunch.

(Y/N)'s POV

My tomato child and I just get out from art class, ready for lunch. As we walk out of the classroom, I see a figure standing on the roof. When I blink, the figure isn't there anymore. I shrug the sighting off, thinking its just my tired imagination. Nath decided to go to the bathroom shortly after. After sitting down on our usual bench by myself, the figure I see from earlier drops down in front of me. With a rose in his left hand.

"C-Cat N-Noir?" I look into his wide green eyes. He looks, different.

"No, my princess. I am no longer the superhero you once knew. I am now Cat Blanc." He gave me the deep red flower. I accept the rose and blush the same shade as it. But how did he get like this?

Marinette's POV

I transformed into Ladybug and hid on the roof of the school, waiting when he was distracted. Then, I see a bright orange person run and jump my way.

"Who are you?" I turn to the figure. He pants and seems to be out of breath.

"Quick explanation. I'm another miraculous holder. I'm kinda new to this. And, my name?" He looks like he's thinking. Kind of like my first day.

"I'm Renard Rouge." He poses a little.

"Well, Renard Rouge, that person that's akumatized, that's another miraculous holder, Cat Noir. I'm about to sneak attack him. Just come after I jump in." I tell him my plan as he nods. I jump down, landing behind Cat Blanc.

(Y/N)'s POV

I see Ladybug jump behind Cat Blanc with a concerned look on her face.

"Cat! Snap out of it! This isn't you!" She yelled, spinning her yoyo, ready for battle. Cat Blanc turns around, and gives her a death stare that could burn your skin. He chuckled very lowly.

"Oh Ladybug. Why did I ever like you, you're so pathetic. Think about it, you would never complete any mission without me. Just give me your miraculous, and I won't harm Paris." He smirks and takes out his staff, preparing for battle. I run away from the scene, wishing my tomato child was with me. Then, I see another person jump down from the roof. He looked like a red fox. Maybe he's another miraculous holder! He's actually really hot. As my thoughts were getting the best of me, the red masked teen sees me in the corner of his eyes. And they look so familiar.

We stare at each other momentarily, feeling like we've known each other for so long.

"Renard Rouge! I could use a little help right now!" Ladybug was still fighting the akumatized kitty. Renard Rouge... Renard snapped out of his thoughts, pulling his tail out, and transforming it into a sword. (I updated Chapter 5, so it should have all the details of it)

Narrator's POV

Renard charges at Cat Blanc, but the witty kitty flips and jumps to the roof, sprinting away. Ladybug and the newbie follow close behind, on his tail. (XD I'm so funny.)

"Look at that!" Renard Rouge says, pointing at the dark purple ring that Cat Blanc wears.

"That's gotta be where the akuma is!" Ladybug says. They all stop on a roof, Cat Blanc charging back at them, with a plan in mind. He destroys part of a vent, letting the heavy object, and a few big chunks, fall on Renard. Renard struggles to get out of the mess. Cat tackles Ladybug and wrestles her to the ground. The two wrestle for a while, until Cat gets on top of her, and Ladybug becomes unconscious from their tussle. He takes his normal hand, going to detach her earings.

"It's all over, for you and your new partner." Cat Blanc says before reaching for her ear.

"Tornado fox!" Renard yells out, as little foxes remove the rubble off of him. He swiftly takes the hand that Cat Blanc was going to use to take off Ladybug's earings, and flips him to the floor, taking his ring off in the process. It reveals the one and only, Adrien Agreste. Renard looks at his classmate, in shock and Adrien looks back at him with the same amount of shock. Plagg appears before both of them, looking a little ill.

"Ugh. I'm so hungry. Oh and I almost DIED!!" the kwami yelled. Renard finally breaks the posessed ring, releasing the akuma, then catching it between his hands, saving it for when Ladybug was awake.

"You might want to hide." Renard looks at Adrien and Plagg. Adrien runs behind a door on the roof of the building, while Plagg follows him. Renard slightly nudges the girl with his elbow, awakening her.

"Are you OK?" Renard helps her up.

"Yeah, I'm good. Did you destroy the ring?" Ladybug asks, rubbing her head. Renard points to the ring in pieces on the floor. He let's the Akuma go, letting Ladybug devilize it and turns everything back to normal. Renard goes behind the door also, giving the ring to Adrien in secret. Adrien transforms back into Cat Noir, both of them coming out from behind.

"Thank you M'lady! And Renard Rouge." He bows.

"What happened?" Ladybug asks Cat.

"I was a little jealous of this guy, who was sleeping with this girl I like." He blushes in embarrassment.

"Oh. At least that's all over. And I didn't even have to use my lucky charm. Thanks again Renard." Ladybug says, all three of them fist bump.

"Pound it!" They all say in unison.

"Welcome to the team Renard." Cat Noir says.

"No problem. Just doing my job." He runs away, back to school.

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