You Get Jealous

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Don't forget to start on your animal sketches tonight! (Y/N), could you please give Nathanael his homework?" I look up from my sketch book and nod at Mrs. Davis as she hands it to me.

Nath took off ten minutes before class ended and went to go fight an akuma. Wait, my bad. He went to, 'use the restroom'. I put our homework in my book bag and sprint out of class to go find my tomato child.

As I wander about the area, I finally spot him talking to, MARINETTE?! I hide behind Kim, who was just happening to walk by. I'm relatively small compared to him, it's perfect to hide here.

"Huh? (Y/N)? What gives?"

"Shh. Don't give away my hiding spot." I point at my boyfriend and the pigtailed girl and he makes an 'oh' expression with his face. I glare and growl at the two, gesturing Kim to move at a different angle so I could get a better look. As he does so, Marinette brushes some hair out of her face and hugs him. I can practically feel my eyes light on fire. She finally walks away with a smile on her face. I dash out from behind the tall boy and go to give my tomato child a stern talking to.

"Oh! Hey my fire-" I grab his ear and drag him to a corner of the school.

"What's wrong?" I can tell Nath's voice contains concern and care.

"Would you like to tell me what you and Marinette were talking about?!" I stomp my feet on the ground as if I was four.

"She was just asking me how to ask out Adrien!!" I can tell my tomato child is surprised at my sudden outburst. He suddenly hugs me and whispers into my ear.

"You were jealous weren't you~" My face turns a bright pink.

"N-No." I'm flustered.

"Sure (Y/N). Sure."

My Tomato Child (Nathanael X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now