He Says the Wrong Thing

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Chloe, for the love of humanity, don't tell us you're opinion. People can't even take you face, let alone your voice." I tell the blond, shrugging her off.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. I HAVE A VOICE OF AN ANGEL." Chloe stomps and yells with her shrill voice, blowing a fuse. (No not a fusion for u SU fans)

"Raise your hand if you think she has a 'voice of angel'." I ask the other students, using quotes with my fingers. Everyone keeps their hand down, with the exception of Kim.

"SEE!" Chloe exclaims.

"Well, if you could at least do simple math, maybe THEN you would know that you're outnumbered. Or do you want Sabrina to do it for you?" I make a sarcastic pouty face, sticking my bottom lip out.


"I think the people have spoken." I cross my arms with a smirk on my face.

"UuuuGGGGHHHHHH!!" Chloe groans in defeat and stomps away.

"Wooh! Go (Y/N)!" You could hear a few of your classmates cheer. You just stand there and smile brightly.

"Thanks you guys. Now that we got that pest out of the way, what do you guys think about my project?" You held up a white canvas which had a (f/a) (favorite animal) on it.

"It's so cool!"


"So realistic!"

"I like the signature." (I legit had a friend who said this to me. I'm looking at you, sierra_reads_2015)

"Thanks for the feedback you guys!"

"No problem." After that, you head to the library to find your tomato child. He works on math while writing with one hand, and gripping his hair in frustration with the other. You sneak up behind him...and give him a little shoulder massage.

"Hey tomato boy."

"Hi (Y/N)." He says in a deadpan voice. Is he ok?

"You ok...?

"YEAH JUST PEACHY!" He says sarcastically and very loud. You step back a little at his sudden outburst.

"Shhh..." The librarian shushes himand goes outside for her lunch break. He grumbles under his breath.

"W-Well I j-just wanted t-to ask your opinion on my p-painting..." You stutter more than usual, never seeing this aggressive side of him before. He turns to me with an irritated look across his face.

"Its average. Could you leave me alone now?" He turns his head back at his homework.


"Can't take constructive criticism? Yeah. I can see that." He replies without facing me.

"No. I'm worried about you. Please, calm down." I turn his chair around to face me and give him a bear hug. I can feel his muscles relax on me.

Nath's POV

My gaze softens as she pulled me into a hug, squishing me more in her embrace.

"I'm sorry." I sincerely say, hugging her back.

"Its...its ok...you were stressed. Who could blame you?" She reassures me. Eventually, we let go and she helps me with my math and I help her with her art. You could say we make a pretty good team.


My Tomato Child (Nathanael X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now