Brad! You Left An Eggshell!

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Ally's P.O.V

How did we start talking about baby names?! Honestly I'm confused. I'm gonna be sick tomorrow. I drank a little extra....

"Carry me! I'm tired!" I begged Calum. He laughed and picked me up. I smiled and nuzzled my head in his chest. "Hey Liz, I'm just taking her to her room" Calum said and my mum laughed.

Calum kicked my door open and plopped me down on my bed. I rolled around. He laughed. "Sleep tight baby girl" he said. I think he must've thought I was asleep, because he never called me that.

My door closed and I sat up. Did he really just call me that? I shook it off and got on Wattpad.

This may be weird but, is THIS ALLY AS IN ALLY HEMMINGS?!???!!!!

I really didn't know if I should respond. I'll respond later. I started reading 'More Than This'. "Luke!" I yelled. He came upstairs and ran in. He smiled when he saw the story. "So you think she's pregnant?" Luke asked.

"Lets read!" I said. We read and found out there was a sequel coming up. "OMG A SEQUEL?!" We both yelled. "I need to know more!!!!!" Luke squealed. "I'll tell you later" I laughed.

My phone buzzed.

Unknown Number: Hey slut! I new you to stay away from MY Calum or someone you really love will get hurt!
I read the message over and over, still couldn't believe what I just read. Who is this? I just blocked that person and crawled under my covers. I couldn't sleep all night. Firstly because the movie and secondly this 'Unknown' person was all over my head.

I woke up again feeling like console shit. I went over to the mirror and there was a note on my nightstand table.

Honey I went to the store and took Luke. We'll be back later. We're having some special guest later, please get ready!

I sighed as went to take a shower. I didn't know what to wear so I just threw on some leggings and a grey hoody. My hair was in a messy bun. I didn't even care for my make up. I just put on some mascara.

Since I was home alone, I put on my bunny slippers and started blasting 5sos through the whole house. "What was I thinking? Everyone sees it, it's not a secret that I'm just a reject!" I sang loudly.

This song basically describes my life in a song. "And they called me crazy so I played alone. And you wanna change me but I'm on my owwwwwwnnnnnnnnn! Da da dada!" I sang really loudly.

I heard a quiet knock at the door. I opened the door to find Mrs.Marks, my friendly old neighbor. "Ally, dear, please keep it down a bit" she said quietly. I felt really bad. "Oh, um, sorry Mrs.Marks" I apologized. "No it's fine. I love your brothers band but please keep it down. Fluffles won't stop barking" she said laughing.

Mrs.Marks had a dog named Fluffles and a secret obsession with 5sos. I laughed. "Yeah" I said. "When your mum and Luke get back, tell them I said hi" she said smiling. "I will" I smiled. "Do you need help?" I asked her.

"Oh why, thank you" she said. I helped her to her house. "Would you join me at breakfast?" she asked me. I smiled. I couldn't say no. "I'd love too" I said.

She let me in her house. The walls were a nice light yellow. "Oh, hey Ally" Brad came in. (Cody Allen Christian!) "Hey" I said blushing.

He's Mrs.Marks grandson. He's my age. He lives with Mrs.Marks because his parents are divorced and he couldn't choose. I admit I had a huge crush in him like when I was 10-14. That's a long time.

I still do but it's not as big as before. Yeah he still makes me blush but that's it. "Allison is having breakfast with us Brad, now go cook something!" Mrs.Marks ordered making me laugh.

Brad sighed and laughed and walked into the kitchen. "I'll go help him" I said. "I you want to darling" She smiled as she sat down on her rocking chair and began watching her cooking show.

I walked into the kitchen and found Brad trying to crack an egg. I laughed and he turned his attention to me. "What?" He asked. "You can't crack an egg?" I asked. "N-no" he scratched the back of his neck.

I laughed. "You do it like this" I said as I grabbed him by his hands and cracked the egg. He smiled. "Thanks" He blushed. I laughed. "Anytime" I said.

"Ally" He said. "Brad" I giggled. "Did you know I've always had a crush on you?" He asked looking down smiling. "What?" I asked. "You are beautiful, since the day I lid eyes on you I fell in love" he admitted.

"Uh" was all I could say. "I did use to like you too, but" I couldn't finish my sentence because I really didn't have much to say. "But?" He asked. "I don't know" I shrugged. He tucked a strand of hair that fell down my face.

Our foreheads touching. He cupped my face in his hands. I felt his warm minty breath on my lips. "Brad!" Mrs.Marks came in. "Oh-umm, sorry Mrs.Marks" I said.

"No, it should be Brad apologizing" she said sternly. "No, there's nothing to apologize" I smiled. She smiled back. "Now, I'm gonna help you guys" she said getting in between me and Brad.

Brad rolled his eyes causing me to giggle. "Brad! You left an eggshell in there! You're eating that!" Mrs.Marks said hitting Brad in the arm.

"Grandma!" he complained. I giggled. We finished and we sat down at their little table that only had 2 chairs. I ended up sitting on Brad's lap whilst eating my egg sandwich.

Brad's arms were wrapped around my waist. "Oh, I remember when Brad was a little kid. Oh, once he got married to another girl in 1st grade" Mrs.Marks laughed. I started laughing.

Brad turned red in embarrassment. "Her name was Katie right?" She asked. Katie. Right now she's the towns biggest bitch. "Yeah" he mumbled causing me to laugh.

"Do you want to see pictures?" Mrs.Marks asked. "No!" Brad said quickly. I laughed. "Maybe another time. Luke and mum are probably back now" I said. She smiled. "I'll be waiting" she said as as Brad lead me to the door.

"Ignore that" he said and I laughed. "I still want to see baby Brad" I said giggling. He was about to lean in but I stopped him. "Lets just keep it between friends for now, okay?" I asked him and he backed up.

"Oh yeah" he said blushing. I smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He placed his hand in where I gave him the kiss, shocked.

I laughed and headed back home.
Last update today!!!!!!
I'll try an update once every day of the week and on the week ends 3 times! I'll try, so please if I don't update it's bc I'm busy or to lazy!

Do you think Ally and Brad should date?

QOTC: What would you do I someone texted you saying what they said to Ally?

AOTC: I'll run like the wind and say: "BYE BITCH! IM OUT!" and leave. But I'd take my phone and my charger....

Stay bad my bad bitches!

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