3; Greenies and the maze

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Everybody was piled into the homestead, telling back and forth. Gally's voice was the loudest, telling everyone to calm down so they could settke the dispute. You signed, crossing your arms, and leaning against Newt. He raised an eyebrow at you and you shook your head, eyes locked on Gally.
"We can't have people just running randomly into the maze!" He yelled, his eyes moving to rest on you.
"Its bad enough Y/N gets herself in trouble every time she goes running" you scoff, pushing away the comfort of your best friend aside.
"The only reason I get in trouble is due to the greenies who think there runners, gally" you glared. "Be glad I ever go after them when they run" you growled, stepping closer.
He didn't back down, crossing his arms "Just shut up and listen to me
Y/N." He leaner closer to your face. "I'd rather you stop getting hurt for some shank who dosent listen to the rules of the Glade."
You rolled your eyes shrugging "Rather be alive then dead Gal."
"Fine. Don't come crying to me when you failed to save one of them."

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