45; Cold Nights

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Bonjour!! Should I start writing smuts for this book now or no??

Wc: 1781

Enjoy my lovelies❤


“No! You didn’t!” Newt yelled into Janson’s face.

“It wasn’t my decision, Newt. They sent her to a different base, for her safety–”

I’M her safety, you bloody shuckface! I promised I’d stay with her! You took her from me!” Newt’s face was beginning to redden, and just as he felt his fist raise to strike Rat Man in the face, two guards pulled him back, throwing him at the Gladers who held him back.

“Newt! Newt!” He faintly heard Thomas call to him. All of a sudden, his friend’s face was in front of his own, hands on his shoulders, shaking him. “They took Teresa, too!”

In an oddly calmed voice, Newt replied, “what?”

“They…” Thomas sighed, looking down. “They took Teresa too. Not to a different place, but she was moved. I understand, Newt.”

Feeling a sudden impulse of rage, Newt pushed him off. “No you don’t, Tommy. Your little puppy love with Teresa is no comparison to what Y/N and I have. Three years in that bloody maze together. Half the time you knew Teresa she was in a shuck coma. And even though Y/N and I have been through thick and thin, this is the worst of it. So leave me alone.” He got onto his feet and stormed out of the dining hall despite the calls from his friends.

All he could think about was Y/N, and all he wanted was to see her one more time.

After making his way back to the dorm room, he sat down on his bed, elbows on his knees and head in his hands. In that moment he did something he never would’ve imagined he would do.

He cried.

Tears fell into his hands and down his cheeks, his throat closing up as he tried to stay strong and push the tears down.

The Gladers filed in one by one, surrounding Newt. Minho looked at him wide eyed, surprised to see his best friend crying. He told everyone to go to their bunks.

“Get some sleep everyone. It’s been a long day.”

After everyone seemed settled, he sat next to Newt on his bed. “Hey, bud.”

Newt slowly looked up at him, sniffling. Minho had never seen him look so devastated. When he heard the news about Y/N he knew Newt would be angry, but he never expected him to be so sad.

“Alby, Chuck, shucking Y/N. What next?”

“Hey, she’s not dead,” Minho told him, putting a strong hand on his shoulder. “They’ve been nothing but kind to us here. Food, showers, beds. You really think they’d kill Y/N?”

Newt looked away from him, wiping his face. “I can’t… I can’t live without her. I need her. I didn’t even get to say goodbye those shanks! They just snatched her right up!”

“I know, man. But listen, you know Y/N. No matter what’s happening to her, you know she’ll stay strong. For you. You’ve gotta do the same for her. Stay strong, don’t give up, and maybe we’ll find her.”

“Right. Maybe,” he answers, refusing to look at Minho.

After a moment of silence, Minho spoke. “Newt you–”

“Go to bed, Minho. I’m not going to get any sleep tonight so it’s not worth it to try and stay up and talk with me.”

“Okay, man. Try to put it off your mind. We all need sleep so–”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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