41; Useless

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Wc: 3505

Enjoy my lovelies❤


You wipe the sweat off of your forehead with the back of your hand as you stood up tretching your arms up towards the sky. You hummed in satisfaction as your back popped and cracked from having been crouched over for so long. You set your basket of crops downs and used the fabric of your pants to brush off the dirt on your hands before gathering your hair up into a ponytail. You winced every time your fingers got snagged in a knot. After a few minutes of combing your fingers through, you managed to secure an elastic band around it and with one last tug you picked up the heavy basket again.

It was a hot day in the Glade and the urge to just sit in the shade and lay about was strong but Alby’s words echoed in your head as if they were engraved into your brain.

Everyone had to do their job and that included you as well. You had to do your part and pull your own weight in the Glade. There wasn’t any time or patience for lazy people.

For you, being the only girl in the Glade was not a free pass to do the least amount of work. You worked hard and did the same amount as everyone else if not more. Most of the Gladers didn’t want you to over exert yourself and usually gave you the lighter jobs but you argued against them. You wanted to show them that you were worth something, that you weren’t just a burden. So you worked the gardens with Zart while doing extra jobs here and there like mending clothes, helping little Chuck around the Glade, and other odd ball jobs.

You were making your way across the Glade, heaving a large basket towards the kitchen for Frypan. You struggled to gather the basket in your arms and ended up somewhat dragging it across the grass. You tried your best to play it off and not look look like an idiot but the basket was making it difficult. Sighing with frustration, you tossed it in front of you, making a few tomatoes fall out.

You wished you weren’t so weak.You looked down at your skinny arms and curse them for being so small and powerless. Had you been a boy, the simple task of carrying crops wouldn’t have been much of a shucking problem.

Pressing your lips together, you bent over and picked up the basket again. Determination filled your body and you slowly made your way to your destination. You’d be damn if you couldn’t at least get this done.

You made it a couple more steps until the basket was lifted out of your grasp and a tall shadow towering over you.

“Need a little help there, love?” Newt took the basket out of your hands and hoisted it up to rest on his shoulder. The large basket looked so small next to him. You frowned or maybe was it because you were just small? “What’s with the face?” Newt reached out to ruffled your hair but you quickly swatted his hand away and tried to get the basket back.

As happy as you were to see him, you hated it whenever he did this. He kept it just out of your reach with a smirk on his face. “I can do it.” You huffed out before crossing your arms in front of your chest, expecting him to set it back down for you.

“I’m sure you could.” Newt brushed you off with a cheeky smile and started to walk towards the kitchen. You were going to catch up with him and rip the basket out of his hands but Alby stopped you.

“Y/N, come here!” Alby called out to you with an expectant look on his face. The word ‘behave’ written all over it. You rolled your eyes and slowly jogged over to him, ready to defend yourself against the Glade’s fearless leader.

You shot one last glare at Newt before turning towards Alby. “Look Alby-”

“Slim it, Y/N. I’ve got something to say.” Just the tone of Alby’s voice alone would have been enough to make any Glader piss their pants. He hated it whenever someone talked out of turn but it didn’t bother you in the slightest . He was just a big softie if you could get past his intimidating exterior. He really cared about everyone in the Glade, he just didn’t show it very well.

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