19; okay?

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WARNING: This may be triggering to some people, skip if you please

Wc: 2281



You survived the Maze. You survived the Scorch. You made it to Paradise. But it didn't feel like paradise. Not without Newt.

When he found out he wasn't immune, he had tried to pull away from you - from everyone, really. But you weren't going to give up that easily. He didn't want you all to see him weak and dying, and he didn't want you to have to mourn the loss of him. But you and everyone else from the Glade practically dragged him by his ear, desperately hoping he might possibly avoid being infected by the Flare. And by some miracle, it worked.

You had thought you were safe - Newt was okay, and he was back. Everything would go back to normal. But when you had gone to embrace him in celebration, he walked away from you to be on his own.

At first, you figured he was just in shock. He had thought he was going to die, after all, or become a crazy cannibalistic shell of himself. He probably still thought he could - it was hard to trust anybody at that point, including yourselves. But when days passed and he still ignored you when you tried to talk to him, you began to think maybe something had changed.

You had been so in love back in the Glade, and before he became occupied by his fears of the Flare, he would have given anything to protect you. He had been the first person you trusted when you came out of the box, and that wasn't a bond you had forgotten easily. Eventually, he had confessed his "less-than-appropriate feelings for you", as he had called them, and you had been together ever since.

Watching him struggle to survive the Scorch was the hardest thing you had ever done. You knew he had gone through a lot in the Glade, but you had never seen him so torn up until you left. And when he started to distance himself when he thought there was no hope for him, you were heartbroken for the very first time. You thought now that you were both going to be okay, that he would come back to you. But he didn't.

"Just get him alone and ask, that way he's not freaked out about fighting in front of everyone," Thomas suggested as you walked to dinner together.

"I just don't understand what there is to fight about," you stressed. "Has he said anything to you?

"No, not a word," he said, but you weren't sure if that was 100% true.

"Thomas, please. I know he's your best friend, I just need to know what's wrong," you begged.

"Even if I did know something, it'd be better coming from him. Just ask, (Y/N), he'll come around."

You ate by yourself and watched to see when Newt would leave. He went by himself, looking behind him halfheartedly as if to see if someone was following him. He didn't seem to notice you. You allowed him to get far enough away from everyone else that nobody would notice you talking to him before you approached.

"Newt," you called gently.

He turned around and looked at you, and for the first time you couldn't read the emotion in his eyes.

"Why are you avoiding me?" you asked.

"I'm not," he said shortly.

"You are. You haven't looked at me since we got here. I thought we were okay, Newt. I thought..."

"I can't do this right now, (Y/N)," he told you.

"Yes, you can. You owe me that much. Is there someone else? Is it someone from Group B? I get it, you know. They're all really pretty, you should've just told me," you rambled.

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