44; Messy hair

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Wc: 1582

Enjoy my lovelies❤


You looked out between the bushy green trees, watching as the sun slowly fell downwards past the horizon and the moon started to reveal itself to you. A deep sigh rumbled through your chest, and you ran a couple fingers past the length of your hair.

“What are you sighing about, huh? You bored?” Newt joked, turning his head to look at the side of your face, enticed by the gentle curve of your lips and your gently closed eyes.

You smiled widely, “Shut up, you shank! I’m just relaxed…”

He chuckled sweetly, watching as you opened your eyes to look out at whatever was in front of you. 
Feeling his eyes on you, you turned your head to look back at him. His hair was slightly disheveled from running his hands through it so often, something you had noticed he’d done quite  a lot. His eyes were focused completely on you and your beauty, watching for the little quirks you had to make themselves present; all those little things you did without noticing them.

You smiled at him, tilting your head in confusion, “What?”

He shook his head, his smile widening as he noticed one of the little things you did; that little head tilt made you look like a kitten, and he had to hold himself back from saying anything that would embarrass him in the long run. 

“Nothing,” he replied, turning his head to look ahead of him and away from your features, no matter how much he wanted to just sit there and stare at you forever. 

You shrugged, deciding that he had probably thought of a stupid joke or something of the sort, that was usually what he told you when he did that little giggle thing he did. 

As you looked at his side profile, you couldn’t help but to admire it; a chiseled jawline, long eyelashes that danced on his cheeks when he would close his eyes, and probably the cutest nose you’d ever seen. As your eyes wondered further up, you took firm notice at how his hair still stuck up at random, and the minute he had turned his head away and the side of his head was shown to you, you realised how much you wanted to fix it, and how much it was driving you mad with annoyance.

Yes, you loved how cute and handsome he was, though you’d never tell him that, but sometimes you wondered what he would look like with hair that wasn’t always fluffy and stuck up randomly out of place. His hair was cute, no doubt, but it annoyed you how you had never even seen it cleaned up a bit.

You huffed, making him turn to you with a raised eyebrow. You motioned up to your own hair, taking a piece of it and dropping it to try and get the message across. He only tilted his head like you had earlier, and you sighed. Just for this once, you were going to try and figure out what it looked like not all messed up, even if it took some convincing.

“Your hair is sticking up on your head and it’s bugging me…” you mumbled, pouting like a four year old who didn’t get their way.
He smirked, sending you a cocky expression as he spoke, “Well we can’t all have perfect hair like Minho, and maybe I like it this way. If you wanna fix it, be my guest…”

You glared jokingly at him, an evil grin finding it’s way onto your face as he turned his head back around, again. That smirk was once again sitting pretty on his face, and all you wanted to do was get it off. He drove you insane, and you didn’t know if it was in a ‘I like you but you’re annoying’ way or just a 'I think you’re annoying’ way, although you had somewhat of an idea as to which one.​​​​​​

It had almost gone dark by then, and you knew you’d have to go find your way to your beds to sleep soon, but you were going to fix that damn hair, even if it meant that you were going to be tired the next day.

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