31; Shuck It

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Sorry this is kinds long..I was going to make it 2 parts but decided not to
Enjoy! 😊

Wc: 1654

Enjoy my lovelies❤


You were one of the Glade's cooks, next to Frypan. Ever since you had gotten to the Glade most of the boys had said the food had gotten a whole lot better...though they never would tell that to Frypan's face. It was early morning when you got up for the day's work, as you did everyday. Your routine consisted of helping the Runners pack some food for the day and then you went on to help Frypan in the kitchen with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You didn't mind it but you would much rather be spending the time with Newt, your best friend, out in the Gardens or maybe even in the fields or forest where you could just sit and talk all day.

"Y/N!" Frypan snapped, snapping you out of your daydream. You glanced over at him absentmindedly and he rolled his eyes. "Can you head to the gardens to get me some tomatoes? I already asked Newt to gather a few so get them."

You put down the knife you had been using to chop up some vegetables and nodded. "Got it," You said, wiping your hands on the stained and poor excuse of a rag.

"But be quick!" Frypan said. "We have a lot to do today!"

"I know!" You waved him off with a tiny smirk as you picked up your pace to walk toward the Gardens. You could already see Newt at work, plucking a few tomatoes off the vines and placing them into a basket beside him. You let out a sigh as you watched him before shaking your head and jogging over to him.

"Newt!" You called his name, startling him. He looked up at you fleetingly before stumbling forward, kicking the basket of tomatoes and knocking them all over. You heard him murmur a "bloody hell" under his breath before he straightened up.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you," You apologized sheepishly, moving over to kneel down beside him so you could help collect the tomatoes.

"That's all right," Newt said, smiling at you as he plopped down next to you to help. "I wasn't really paying attention."

"You've always been a clumsy one," You said teasingly.

It was true. Whenever he was around you, he'd either be dropping things or tripping over something. You never really paid much attention to it seeing as how he was your best friend and you both usually acted clumsy and stupid around one another but whenever he was around the rest of the boys his second-in-command title seemed to kick in and he was usually coordinated.

"I guess so," he said sheepishly as he helped you gather the last of the tomatoes. "Listen Y/N, I need to tell you something-" Newt was saying as you both stood up only to have your heads collide together. "Shuck - sorry!"

"Ow!" You let out a tiny laugh, rubbing your head. "It's okay. What'd you need to say?"

Newt eyed you warily and sucked in a breath. "I- Well, I... You see-"

"Well, if it isn't my two favourite people here," You were both interrupted by Minho's voice as he came walking over. He stepped in between you and Newt and threw his arms around the two of you, "Hey, Y/N, is it alright if I take you away from loverboy here for a second to talk to you?"

You rolled your eyes at Minho's nickname for Newt and peeled his arm off of you. "I'm not packing you extra food for your run."

"Oh, but come on!" Minho protested as you took the basket of tomatoes from Newt.

"I'll see you later," You said to him.

"But-" Newt started but was yet again interrupted by Minho.

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