40; Secrets out

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Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and New year! :)

Wc:  1753

Enjoy my lovelies❤


You woke up to the feeling of arms wrapping around your waist and fingers brushing against your stomach. You smiled sleepily and rolled over so that you were facing your boyfriend, Newt. He was still sound asleep, his lips slightly parted and his nose twitching every now and then. You were both laying down on the ground of the forest and past the leaves on the trees hanging up above you could see that it was morning, the sun shining down brightly. You and Newt had done this far too many times ever since you had both admitted to liking each other. You would both sneak off from the rest of the boys so you could have your alone time and you would often go to the forest late at night to just cuddle close to each other and talk.

You were content with just rolling back over and falling asleep but then you remembered that it was morning. Early morning. You had to be getting up already to run the Maze with Minho! If anyone noticed that both you and Newt were gone, you were both shucked.

“Newt!” You called his name in a rushed whisper. “Wake up!”

He stirred in his sleep and spoke with his eyes still closed, “Why?”

“We slept in,” You said. “The boys will be wondering where we are.”

“That’s okay,” Newt murmured, reaching out to pull you back down. “Come back to sleep.”

You rolled your eyes and gave his chest a tiny flick with your fingers.

“You’re second-in-command and yet you’re so bad,” You said in amusement, leaning down to kiss him. He sighed against your lips but before he could get too comfortable, you pulled back causing him to open his eyes. “You should be yelling at me to do my job, not trying to get me in trouble.”

He smirked sleepily, toying with the strands of your hair that framed your face and twirling it around his finger. “Yes, but I’m second-in-command so what I say goes. If you were in trouble, I could just help you.”

“That’s not a very moral thing to do,” you pointed out.

“I guess you just bring out the bad in me,” he said with a tiny laugh. “And, by the way, this whole secretive relationship thing is a bit daring itself. When are we going to tell everyone?”

“Soon,” You promised.

“But I want to be able to kiss you whenever I want,” Newt protested, brushing his fingers along your cheekbones and cupping the side of your face. You hummed in agreement as he pulled you down to kiss him again. You knew you were already late as it was so you wouldn’t let him easily sway you. Instead, you leaned in to the kiss a bit more before pulling back from him.

“I’m serious, Newt. We need to go,” You said.

He let out a loud sigh knowing that you were right and sat up. “Fine.”

“But tonight we can continue where this left off,” You said before pecking his lips. You got to your feet and began walking off toward the Glade. “I’ll see you later!”

“Stay safe,” Newt called out and you nodded before jogging off to find Minho.


The whole day had been rather distracting which made your job mapping the Maze that much more difficult. You were hot and sticky from the sun beating down on you and tired as you lugged your feet forward and yet all you could think about was Newt and his lips on yours, his hands caressing your skin-

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