15; Sunshine

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Wc: 1887

Enjoy my lovelies❤


It had been a year since you first arrived in the Glade.

You could tell because you had been keeping track of the number of Greenies that came up after you, and today, the twelfth Greenie since your arrival was just about to get pulled out of the Box. You were standing with the rest of the Gladers, watching as Alby and Gally jumped down to coax the terrified new boy out from his hiding spot in the corner. Your closest friend in the Glade, who was also Second-in-Command, was standing directly next to you. Newt was a whole head taller than you, and you barely came up to his nose whilst standing on your tippy toes. He had been the one to convince you to come out of the box and stop throwing sharp pieces of metal you had found in the Box at the Gladers (though he later admitted to you that he was thoroughly impressed at how good your arm was).

"Look at the poor shank," Newt mumbled quietly, nudging his head towards the boy who had literally been dragged out of the hole in the ground and was glancing around in terror, "Must've been ready to pass out like some shucking girl." Newt suddenly gave a pained groan when you drove your elbow between his ribs, "Excuse me, but I'm a girl and I'm twice as tough than literally all you shanks put together!" Newt placed his hand over his ribs, giving a whimper at the contact which caused more pain, before he wheezed out, "Yes, and you hit twice as hard." You couldn't help but give an innocent smile as you placed your hand over Newt's on the spot where you elbowed him and gently massaged it to ease out the pain. The blonde boy soon relaxed as the pain ebbed away, before he punched you in the arm playfully, but hard. You hissed quietly, before shooting him a look, "I'd like to live through the first anniversary of my arrival in the Glade and come out unscathed, if you don't mind."

Newt's head turned sharply to look at you, and you smiled weakly up at him, "I know. Hard to believe, eh? Happy anniversary to me." He looked a bit shocked at the information, but then his shocked expression turned into one of deep thought, "Well, that's worth celebrating, (Y/N). I'll think of something for this evening, during the bonfire." You felt your face heat up, "Oh, no! Newt, you don't have to-" "(Y/N), this is an important thing!" He protested, cutting you off mid-sentence, "Today marks the arrival of my best and closest friend. This deserves to be celebrated!" You turned an even darker shade of red as Newt threw his arm around your shoulders and hugged you tightly to his side. You had always had a tiny bit of a crush on the blonde-haired boy, but you ignored it most of the time out of fear that it would grow into something more and eventually destroy your relationship with him.

As the crowd of Gladers slowly disbanded, you and Newt walked back to the Gardens together, his arm still around your shoulders. "Well (Y/N), I'll see you tonight. Along with a few little surprises," Newt whispered quietly, a boyish grin on his face. You turned pink once again before rising on your tippy toes and pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek, "Thank you, Newt. See you later." You began to walk back to the Medjack hut, and when you glanced over your shoulder back at him, you saw that he had a big grin on his now-pink face, and that he was gently touching the place on his cheek where you had kissed him as he gazed dreamily in your direction. Your heart gave a small jump at the sight and you quickly looked away, a big smile growing on your face as well. You couldn't wait for tonight.

*****TIME SKIP*****

After what felt like ages, night had finally fallen. You were now sitting by yourself on a log in front of the roaring bonfire, as the other Gladers celebrated the arrival of the newest Greenie. You smiled as you watched the boys dancing, stumbling drunkenly about, talking to one another, laughing, shouting, and drinking Gally's secret recipe. 'Well, (Y/N), not a bad way to spend the first anniversary of my arrival here,' you thought to yourself. You gazed at the fire, watching the flames dance and the embers burn, lost in thought when suddenly somebody sat next to you, causing you to jump out of your skin. You glanced up at the person and the moment you saw their blonde hair gleaming in the firelight, you knew who it was. "Hello, love. You enjoy being all by yourself?" Newt chuckled, as he nudged you with his shoulder, a bottle of Gally's secret recipe in his hand.

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