4; Finding You Pt 1

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Wc: 609

Enjoy my lovlies❤


Newt limped towards Minho who had just gotten out of the maze. Minho looked exhausted and the look on his face instantly made Newt doubt. Newt's heart raced as he got closer to Minho.
"What's wrong?" Newt asked, placing a hand on Minho's chest.
Minho just shook his head. Minho dropped to his knees, then crumpled down onto the ground on his side. Newt dropped next to Minho and laid Minho on his back. As soon as Minho had seen Newt's face, Minho screwed his eyes shut. He struggled to take breaths and his hand shook as it held onto Newt's forearm. "I-I'm sorry."
"Sorry?" Newt asked, confused. "What do you mean you're 'sorry'?"
Minho continued to shake his head, a hand coming up to his face to rub it in frustration. "I looked for her everywhere before I came running back to the Glade. I couldn't find her anywhere. I'm sorry, Newt."
Newt's grip on Minho's shoulders loosened and it felt like his heart skipped a beat. Newt shook his head as he withdrew his hand from Minho. His eyes filled up with tears and beads of sweat started appearing on his forehead. "No."
"I'm sorry," Minho breathed out, struggling to take breaths. "I-"
Newt didn't let him finish. Newt got up to his feet and ran towards the entrance of the maze. A strong wind blew from inside the maze, blowing his hair back. His eyes searched desperately for a sign of her but to no avail, she didn't appear.
After a while more, the maze doors started moving towards one another. The screeches of the grinding of the doors against the ground only made Newt's heart beat even faster - almost like his heart would win a race against him.
A couple of other Gladers had gathered behind him, eyes scanning the maze hopefully for a sign of her.
"(y/n)!" Newt screamed into the closing doors of the maze. "Where are you?"
The maze doors got even closer to one another as the seconds passed and Newt was on a whole other level of in denial.
"(y/n)!" He yelled once again. "If you're trying to pull a prank on us, it's not funny! Come back out, please! The doors are closing!"
Gally jogged up next to Newt, an expression similar to Newt's. Except, tears weren't streaming down his dirty face. "Newt..."
And just like that, the doors shut close. In a snap, Newt felt like his life had been taken away from him. Twice.
"No!" Newt yelled, limping towards the closed stone doors. He pounded his fists on the doors with his pleads still echoing in the Glade. "(y/n)!" He whirled around to face the Glade with her name still rolling off his tongue like she would just appear in an instant.
"Newt," Gally whimpered as he wrapped his arms around Newt from behind. "She's gone. She's not coming back no matter how much you yell at these stone doors."
"No, she's not." He ripped Gally's arms from his body and started to walk away. He stopped and turned his head at an angle, but not enough for Gally to be able to see his face. "She'll be back tomorrow morning when the doors open."
"Newt, face it she's-"
"She can take care of herself in the maze," Newt spat. "You know she can. She'll be back. Just wait til tomorrow morning."
Minho had sat up and watched Newt walk away from the maze doors with regret enveloping him whole. Minho understood if Newt never forgave him for this. Because even he himself couldn't.
He knew he should've looked longer for her.

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