Ch. 2: Telling

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~Christina's PoV~ 

I can tell Josh wasn't really expecting to adopt me, but I don't know why he would. He's in the office signing papers and doing some paperwork while I'm packing. What sucks is that I wont be able to take the music player with me. I pack my things. I'm going to miss my friends even though I really don't have any. As I pack, I receive awful glares from the prissy girls. I'm glad to get away from them. 

When I'm done I go down to the office. The lady signs a paper and so does Josh. Then we leave. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was doing this, I didn't know I was going to, but you looked so misplaced. I didn't want you to have to deal with those people anymore." Josh says as we get into the car. His car was now parked in the back so we could get in without any paparazzi. "It's okay. Thank you, for adopting me, I never thought I would get adopted." I say. He smiles. "Is that all you have?" He says pointing to my small bag. I nod and shrug. "Well, thank God I have someone who can take you shopping!" He smiles showing his perfect smile.  ".. I just sorta have to tell her about you.. but don't worry! I know she will love you! You two are like the same person." He laughs nervously. 

We pull up to this large house that's bigger than the entire orphanage. I get out of the car with my stomach in knots. We walk up to the large door and Josh unlocks and opens it. "Welcome home." He says. I go in and I am met by the cutest dog I have ever seen. I immediately drop my bag to play with him. "Oh my gosh! He is so cute!" I scream as the dog licks my cheek. "Oh, yeah, that's Driver." He smiles and grabs my bag, setting it on the white couch. 

"Josh, who do you have with you?" A voice calls from upstairs. "Um, why don't you come down stairs..." He says. Not long after, a young woman, probably around Josh's age, with a blonde bob comes down the stairs. I recognize her, Katniss, or Jennifer Lawrence. She smiles and hugs Josh and shakes my hand. "Hello!" She says brightly, "What's your name?" "Christina." I say and give her a simple smile. "Now, Josh, can you explain who this sweetheart is?" She looks at him. I don't like to be called sweetheart, but I'll leave it alone right now. "Well, Jen, this is Christina Hutcherson. I adopted her." He says. Jennifer freezes and glances at him then back at me. "In that case, I'm Jennifer, but you can call me Jen and I am Josh's girlfriend." She says then whistles, "And this, is Pipi." I am met with yet another dog, this one is much smaller, and unlike Driver who is a pitbull, I'm not able to tell what kind of dog this is, but she is adorable too. "Well, shall I show you your room?" Josh asks. 

A/N CHAPTER TWO!!!! What do you guys think so far? What do you think is going through Jen's mind? Do you like that this has Joshifer in it?  I wonder what plot twists will be in this book :) What do you think is going through Christina's mind? Anyway, I included the dogs in this chapter because sadly, today (3~5~15) Josh's dog Diesel died. RIP Diesel. 

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