Ch. 14: Think of Home

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~Christina's Pov~

While I was hugging Jen, there was a pause. No one wanted to acknowledge what had just happened. I knew Jen and Josh were probably communicating through glances and facial expressions. I began to worry that they'd send me away, just like Jen. I wish we could all just be together and be happy, like we use to be. 

"Well," Jen says pulling out of a hug. "It's pretty warm outside and we've all been so busy that we haven't gotten to hang out in  a while. How about a party? Something to distract us all. We haven't even all been swimming in our gorgeous pool, yet. We haven't been on the trampoline either!" Jen says smiling down at me. Josh gives her a look and then complies saying I could invite whoever I wanted and that they would have some friends over too. I don't know exactly how this would work because of my friends being fangirls and all, so I decide I rather not invite them. 

I go upstairs and pick out an outfit. I hear Josh and Jen having a conversation across the hall, but I decide that maybe it's best if I didn't know what they were talking about. I decide on a blue bikini that resembles the sky and contrasts with my tan skin. I put on some jean shorts and put my hair up in a messy bun that has curls falling out of it in every way. I couldn't decide on which sandals to wear, so I decide to go barefoot. I paint my fingernails and toe nails this bright milky pink that is reminiscent of a soft pink flower. 

By the time I'm finished getting ready, the doorbell rings. I go downstairs to answer the door and it's Uncle Liam. I know it's weird that I call him Uncle Liam but I don't call Jen and Josh Mom and Dad but he's so uncle like I can't help it. "Hey, teacakes." He says in his thick Australian accent pulling me into a hug. Tea Cakes is an inside joke for us. It's from a book- Their Eyes Were Watching God. I don't really remember exactly how it started though. I help him with the groceries he has in the hand that wasn't wrapped around me and take them to the kitchen. The light shines through the tall windows as I begin to take out various cuts of meat and varying flavors of chips.  "So I take it you and Josh will be grilling?" I laugh. "You bet." He smiles. "Are you going to put some shrimp on the barby?" I say sarcastically.  He punches me playfully on the arm and I run off to go find Jen. 

I run up the stairs as fast as possible with a smile plastered on my face. I run into Jen and Josh's room and Jen turns to me flashing her bare tummy and her new bikini. "Well, what do ya think kiddo?" She asks. It's a bikini that has a pink top and some blue bottoms. "I think it looks like cotton candy and cotton candy means sugar and you know how I feel about sugar." I laugh. "I'm going to take that as a compliment because I remember that time you almost passed out from a sugar coma." Jen smiles. "You ready to go downstairs?" She asks and I nod in reply. 

When we get downstairs, I notice more people have arrived. I guess we were upstairs talking for longer than I thought because there are about fifteen more people than before. Some of them I notice are Amy Schumer, Emma Stone, and Adele. There are some of Josh's friends too, but I don't really know them because they stay under the radar and not to be rude, but they aren't A List celebrities.  We all go outside and some music starts bumping. We begin to dance and the smell of the barbecue is making my mouth water. The alcohol hasn't been opened yet so I know that the solo cup Jen now has is probably filled with ice water. She's standing by the pool in her bikini and I see an opening to do something a little prankish. I take off my shorts leaving me in my bikini bottoms and run and push Jen in the pool. Jen's reflexes are quick and she grabs my hand pulling me in with her. 

A/N Sorry for the long wait. I had most of it done for a while I've just had a lot going on. Comment/Vote what you think! I love you! 

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