Ch. 11: Getting to Know You

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~Christina's Pov~ 

My first couple of weeks of school weren't that bad. It consisted of homework, and auditions. I can't believe I auditioned for the musical though. I've never acted or sung and I did both in the audition for Phantom of The Opera at school. The callbacks are going to be announced today so I'm pretty anxious about it. The best part of school is my friends, though. They are all individually unique in there own ways. 

Jessi auditioned for Phantom too. She's that one friend who turns everything you say into a sexual innuendo  or finds some way that it's perverted. It's hilarious and we all just kind of laugh because there is no changing that. Kendall is so sweet and kind and she's just amazing. Kaitlyn is a cheerleader and she loves doing crafts. I feel like I know so much about them, but I have no clue how much they know about me. I don't even think they know who my parents are. I wonder how they would react. 

Lunch is right around the corner and I am so excited for us all to be together because today Josh took Jen to the psych ward so she might not be home for a little bit. I need a little bit of positvity in a dark time, and they give me that. Josh suggested that I have a sleepover to get my mind off of Jen not being there. 

The bell for lunch sounds and we all meet at our table. "Hey guys." I say as I sit down. "What's up?" says Jess. "Hey." Ken and Kait say at the same time. "I was just listening to some Halsey while I was doing my homework. She is one of my favorite celebrities." I say and freeze because I realized I brought up celebrities which I had been purposely avoiding. "Who are you talking to? We are the biggest fangirls like ever!" Says Kendall. I laugh for a minute. "Who is your favorite celebrity?" I ask. "We'll give you a hint." Jess snickers. Then they all yell at the same time, "Where is the pizza?" My cheeks burn and I laugh. "Do you not like her? You're being pretty quiet." Kaitlyn asks. "No, I love her! I'm her biggest fan." I say. "No way, it's definitely me." Jess says. I just laugh. Jess and I's phones both go off at the same time. We look at each other oddly and then check our phones. "I got a callback!" we both yell at the same time. "For who?" Kendall says excitedly. "Christine!" I say unable to believe my eyes. "Meg!" Says Jess. This is going to be awesome. 

"So, do you guys want to come over to my house today? For a slumber party? My... Dad suggested that I did it to take my mind off of things." I ask. Yes- yep- and count me in's are heard across the table. I give them my address and try to prepare myself for tonight. What if they ship something like Jolt or something crazy or hate Josh. So many thoughts start racing through my mind. I guess we'll find out soon enough.

The rest of the day passes by fairly quickly and I get home to see that Josh bought like 6 pizzas. On top of them was a note saying that he was going to stay with Jen at the hospital tonight and he would be back in the morning and to have fun. Great, now I won't have to fully explain who my parents are. I'm not ashamed of them. I just don't know how they would react. 

Soon, the bell rings and I open it to find Jessi, Kaitlyn, and Kendall all standing on the porch. I left the gate open so they could get in.. probably not a very safe move, but it'll be fine. 

"Wow, Christina! Your house is huge!" They say dropping their stuff at the door. "Um...Thanks." I say. "Wow, I think you might be the biggest fangirl after all." Jess says looking at the pictures on the wall. Crap! I forgot about those... I just try to laugh it off and hope they stop looking, but they come across the picture that is in the middle of the wall that's surrounded by the rest. "Wait. Why is there a picture of you, Jennifer Lawrence, and Josh Hutcherson? There are no pictures of anyone else?" They say. That's when the dogs wake up. Josh let's them out when I'm home alone, so I'm not scared. Pippi and Driver come running down the stairs. "Oh yeah, I have dogs."

To my surprise they recognize them and their eyes go wide. "Pippi?" Jessi screams. "You have some explaining to do." Says Kendall. "Is- Is Joshifer REAL?!" says Jess looking like she's about to faint. I think Josh and I both forgot that Joshifer isn't public yet... This is going to be a long night. 

A/N sorry I took so long to update I have a lot of stuff. My theatre is actually doing Phantom lol. I didn't audition for a lead though bc I wouldn't get one. I auditioned for an ensemble character. The audition went... bad... my voice cracked and it's never done that and I highkey wanna die but it's okay. I love you! Pls like and comment but mostly comment lol bc those encourage me to update. Have a wonderful weekend! 

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