Ch. 3: Shopping

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~Jen's Pov (Yay!)~

 Josh changed his mind about showing her her room just yet, instead he says that Christina and I are going to hang out. This is a complete shock to me. Josh just adopted this young girl named Christina, who seems nice, but it's just going to take some time to get use to. Then, there's also the fact that Josh and I are still keeping our relationship a secret. Now, he's making me take her shopping, but I really want to offer her someone who she can talk to. She was an orphan; she has no one. Plus I love kids so, this should go pretty well. 

"You ready to go?" I ask Christina. She nods. I like her style. I grab Josh's keys and shoot him a look. We walk out to the car and head to the strip mall. "So what type of music do you like?" I ask. "Um, I like twenty one pilots and Adele and other stuff." She shrugs. "Adele is great! She's a super nice person!" I say putting in 25 by Adele and play the most famous song of the moment, Hello. 

When I start singing, Christina starts to laugh, but then joins in and together we scream the chorus. Eventually we pull up to the Apple Store. "We're going to have to get you some sun glasses, but for now, you can wear Josh's." I smile. She takes them and puts them on. "Okay, so the paparazzi aren't here yet, but when they get here, I'll get you in and out of the car and just shield your face. It's stupid but it's life." I say getting out of the car.  

We make it into the store without being recognized. I pick up the iPhone 6S in rose gold and an ipod and buy them and all that stuff. The guy takes a minute, but then he very loudly screams out, "Oh my God! You're Jennifer Lawrence!" I smile and nod and try to pay as quickly as I can without being caught in too many photos.

When we leave, I hold Christina close to me to make sure that they don't try to harass her with questions or pull her aside. We walk to a clothing store and try to pick out some clothes. "What do you think about this, Jen?" She smiles holding up a light blue button up. "If you get that, I might be borrowing it!" I say causing her to laugh. She grabs more stuff smiling as she puts them in the shopping cart, and fourteen huge bags later, we leave. Now don't get her wrong, she tried to stop after one bag, but I don't want to go shopping every week and she has so little clothes, so I forced her to keep buying more. 

We make it back into the car through the swarms of paparazzi and head home. I know we bought at least 30 shirts, 20 jeans, 4 pairs of leggings, 5 different shoes, lots of accessories, and 3 bags of underclothes and socks. Once we drive off my stomach starts to growl. "I'm so hungry!" I admit. "I can tell." She giggles. I smirk at her, "ha- ha." "I say, we get some McDonalds." I say. "Agreed." says Christina. 

We pull up to the drive through a few minutes later. "Hello, welcome to McDonalds. How may I take your order." Says the worker. "Can you give me a second?" I ask. "Sure, Let me know when you're ready." they say. "What do you want?" I ask Christina. "Um, I'll have a big mac and some fries with a sprite to drink." I nod and roll the window down. "Alright, we'll have four orders of big mac combos, with only one sprite. We will also like two apple pies along with two large mocha frappes." I say. "Will that be all?" the worker asks. "Um, also I would like a McChicken."I add. Afterword we pull up and grab our food and pay for the people behind us, because it's a nice thing to do. 

"Did you get some for Josh?" Christina asks me. "Oh, crap." I sigh. "Guess I'll have to eat only two big macs and a chicken sandwich." I say sneaking fries  out of the bag. 

When we pull up to the house again, it's almost dark. Josh told me he had a surprise for Christina. When we go in, we set down the bags on the couch and eat while we wait for Josh to come down stairs from whatever the surprise is. After we are done, Josh comes down stairs. "You ready, Christina?" He asks. She nods as we head upstairs. He leads to her room. She gasps. "Thank you so much." She says  hugging both Josh and I. "You're welcome." He smiles. Her room is painted a light blue and is decorated in such a cool way that I wouldn't mind it being my room. 

She jumps on the bed in excitement and screams, "Best day ever!" Josh kisses me on the forehead and whispers in my ear, "She's like our child." My heart warms at the thought as we smile at Christina Hutcherson. 

A/N thoughts anyone? The picture is Christina's room. 

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