Ch. 23: We Will Find You

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~Christina's PoV~

Days turned to weeks as I slept in a hospital trying to regain my strength. They look for my mom everyday and I'm stuck in a bed when in reality I should be out there helping them. I tried to explain to them where everything was but it's all foggy. It's not normal for a celebrity to go missing like this. Especially for this long. It's not like it's hard to recognize a face you've seen in movies. But they still haven't found her. I wish I could remember our location or something, I just... I just feel like I'm letting her down.
My dad stays by my side and I feel selfish for letting him, even when I tell him he should go, he can tell I don't want him to leave me because honestly, I'm scared to lose him too. It seems that my whole world has crumpled in less than a year and it's almost like there's no point in all of this. She should be here, not me. She would never be in this position if it weren't for me.

"Chris- i," Dad starts, " I really do think that I should go out tonight and try to find her. I just don't feel like they're trying hard enough or something! It's been too long! I need to do this... on my own." My mind goes blank. "It's almost nine though, Dad? I don't want you to be wreckless and this man is a lunatic! Who knows what he will do to you!" I plead.
"I'll have my phone on me. I promise I will keep it on as well as my location. I'm just gonna start driving and not stop until I feel her. I know it sounds crazy, but I just know I can find her." He says. I realize that it's no use to argue with him, and who knows, maybe he will find Mom. I let him know that it's okay to leave, I'm going to try to sleep, and to call me in a few hours or if anything seems sketchy, and just like that he's gone.

I really got lucky. Out of all the people, they chose me. They didn't get stuck with me, they chose me. And this is what they get rewarded with? They are nicest and most genuine people I've ever met and they don't deserve this. Hours pass and the thoughts in my mind just keep getting worse. I think that I have survivors guilt, but the thought of that makes me swallow the familiar lump that starts to form. If I'm a survivor then I'm a victim. If I'm a survivor, there might be another victim who isn't as lucky.

I try to sleep for what seems like days, but in reality was only around thirty minutes before I give up. I sit there a few minutes more before I realize I have to pee. I used to not even think about peeing, it was just a come and go. Now, every move is a challenge. I don't even know if it's a physical thing anymore, it could be mental.
I begin to wash my hands, when I hear Josh come back to into my room. I feel relief and then despair. I'm happy he's back and okay, but he wasn't gone long, he must've given up too. I shake my head while drying my hands and try to put on a brave face to comfort him.

I open the door to the bathroom. "How did it go, Dad?" I ask raising my eyes and then feeling my stomach drop to the floor. It's him. He's here. In my hospital room. I stumble back into the bathroom from the doorway where I once stood.

"You little bitch!" He sneers. He's got a gun and it's pointing at me. I try to slow my breathing. "You. You are the reason she wouldn't love me. You are the reason why she thought we couldn't be together. I have to finish what I started. You were never supposed to survive. You didn't deserve her love or anyone else's and the sad part is that you know it." My mind starts to race with thoughts as I continue to stumble back and he slowly walks forward. How do I get out of this? Thought. Wouldn't. Didn't. Past tense. I think about screaming. I don't. I'm in a hospital room bathroom. They have pull for help. I fall to the floor as to not be obvious about pulling the cord. He points the gun at the center of my head. "Please. Don't." I whisper.

The room door slams open. A loud bang. Again. I feel heaviness.




*A/N: Hey guys! It's been awhile. Quarantine boredom has sET IN! But good news I might as well write while in this so?? If anyone still reads this book, then let me know how you're doing! Lemme know what you think about this chapter and stuff! love you!*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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