Ch.10: School

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~Christina's PoV~

I've spent all summer trying to help Jen get better, but nothing worked. Josh said we might have to take her to the psych ward for a while, but that I shouldn't be worrying about it, especially since today is the first day of school. 

I go to an arts school, not because I'm talented, but because my parents are rich. Things get handed to you. I'm not trying to be unappreciative, but it's just how things are. I went school shopping and I get nervous every time I think about walking into this big building filled with strangers. It's not just my first day; it's everyone's first day. The only difference is I have never been to school outside of the orphanage. 

I wake up at 6 o'clock a.m. and get ready. I take a hot shower to try to help calm me down. After I'm done showering in honey and almond body wash, I change into a simple outfit. I don't want to look like a try hard. I leave my curly hair down and put on some jeans and a loose fitting long sleeved black shirt with my white converse. 

Since Josh doesn't want to leave Jen and she doesn't want to get out of bed, I have to ride the bus. I wait for around 15 minutes outside before the bus comes. As soon as I get on my head fills with dread. They're all in uniforms. I guess it's okay since it's my first day, but I want to fit in; not stand out. 

I take a seat near the middle of the bus and put in my headphones. I get a text from Josh saying breakfast is in the front compartment of my backpack. I forgot about breakfast, thank God for Josh. I eat a banana and a yogurt parfait. I then look out the window and gaze at the beautiful mansions we keep passing by. How did I get so lucky?

We arrive at the school which isn't as busy as I thought it would be. I go to the main office to get my schedule. "Hello, welcome to the Freedom Arts School. I'm Mrs. Rosenburg. I'm just going to print your schedule and you should be good to go! Also, your uniform should arrive by tomorrow." She smiles handing me a piece of paper. "Have a wonderful day!" She says. She's a little too perky for me. 

My first class is History with Mr. Wilhoit. History has always been pretty easy for me so I'm not worried. He's a straight to the point teacher. He doesn't care about knowing everyone's name or who they aspire to be. He cares about football and history and nothing else. 

The class was going good until he said find a partner. I panicked but remembered everyone was probably panicking. A bright eyed girl comes up to me. "Hi, I'm Kendall. I was just wondering if I could be your partner?" She says. "Sure!" I say happy to have a partner and not be alone. "I'm Christina." I speak. "It's a pleasure to meet you." She laughs. The rest of the class flies by with my new friend and the packet of work Mr. Wilhoit gave us. 

Science/Math was bland and boring as I remember. Nothing spectacular happened in there. Mrs. Dickens talks about her life a lot and it seems pretty interesting although not very science or math related. They put math and science together to give more time to the arts portion, which I actually don't mind.

Next I have theatre. I guess since it is a magnet school this is the longest class. Josh must've put me in acting for the talent category. Great. "Okay Class, I'm Mr. Parks. This is not just theatre, this is musical theatre. We will sing, we will dance, and we will act." He says. Wow, this should be fun for someone who didn't earn her way into this program. "I want everyone to get into groups and start preparing a skit." He says. Everyone gathers their friends from previous years. I sit still in the theatre chair scared to move. "Hey, you!" A girl with brown hair says. "I need one more girl for this skit! Will you do it, please?" She asks smiling. I oblige and go ahead and enter the group. "So, I'm Jessi, but you can call me Jess and I love to sing, act, and write!" She says. The entire group tells who they are and what they love to do. It's almost my turn when the bell signals that it's lunch time. Phew, saved by the bell. 

At lunch, I see Kendall sitting at a lunch table with a few other girls. I decide to sit with them because where else am I going to go. I sit down. "Can I sit here?" I ask. "Of course!" she says. "This is Kaitlyn and Jessi." She mentions. I didn't even realize that Jessi was sitting next to Kendall. "We've met." I smile. "And hello Kaitlyn." I say. "Hello." She says doodling on a piece of paper. "So, how did you guys become friends?" I say. "That's actually a funny story..." Says Jess. "We all won a competition last year for English where you had to write a story based off of a celebrity." She laughs. 

School might not turn out to be as bad as I thought. I think I found my place in this huge jungle. 

A/N hehehehhe You might see what I did there. These are based off of real people. Mwhahahaha. decided you guys should get a little less of depressed jen since it's new years eve! love you!!!

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