Ch. 13: Unsteady

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~Christina's PoV~ 

Flashes of memories appear on the back of my eyelids; Jessi doing a dance solo about suicide prevention, my slumber party, Josh looking at me back at the orphanage, Jen and I eating breakfast, and then suddenly nothing.. Everything is bare. I'm in a white dress, my curly hair flowing freely. I'm barefoot on some open space. I look around and there's the sky and I walk on a cracked dirt ground. "Hello?" I say, my voice echoing. I begin to walk and see a figure. "H-hello?" I say once more. Then she turns around. "Jen?" I say wondering what is going on. She leans back and begins falling. I run to try to save her, but end up falling off of an edge. I hit the ground.

I panic. I start breathing erratically. Everything is white and blurry. There's something on my face... A mask? I take it off. "Christina!" A familiar voice calls. Josh? Memories begin to play through my brain once again. The shooting, Millie's face, the warm blood. I scream. I scream so loud that everyone starts panicking. 

"Calm down. Take deep breaths." The doctors who just ran in tell me. I don't listen. I scream as I remember all the times I couldn't scream. They inject me with some medicine and I calm down. They begin to talk to me. "Christina... would you like to go home?" They say. I nod my head slowly and then look at Josh. 

"We want you to do some therapy sessions with us. If you say you'll come to those every Thursday, then you can go home. Will you do that?" the doctor asks. "O-okay." 


The days pass and things get better. There's no school for a while because of what happened. Josh treats me like a broken china doll.  I'm not fragile. I'm strong. I survived. I wasn't able to respond to my texts while I was in the hospital, which frightened my friends. I'm so thankful that they're okay. 

"Christina, are you ready for your last therapy appointment? I've got a big surprise for you when you come home!" Josh says calling from downstairs in the kitchen. "Yes." I say. I put on a headband and throw my hair into a loose ponytail. 

We ride to the therapists office in silence. Josh sometimes tries to make conversation, but he knows that I don't like going to therapy and reliving the events of my life that I wish I could just erase. 

The day passes by slowly in the office and I rarely talk, but after today there won't be anymore. Well, that's not true, I still have to come back every month, but at least it isn't everyday. 

On the way back Josh stops and gets us some pizza. He not only gets us some pizza but he gets four. "Woah, what's all this for?" I say. "You'll see." He beams. Oh yeah, he did say there was going to be a surprise. I feel bad for thinking this, but I really don't want company. I just want to chill with Josh like we have been doing for the past couple of weeks. 

The gate opens to the drive way and I'm a little confused. There are no cars? They must be hiding. Great. The house looks normal. There aren't any decorations. Josh grabs the pizza boxes and we head for the door.

I open the door that we rarely ever lock because of the advanced gating system. I walk in and wait. "These pizzas are hot." Josh says after a couple of minutes lowkey telling me to move. I'm shocked when no one jumps out and yells surprise or there isn't a new puppy looking up at me. I guess that extra pizza is the surprise. 

I walk with Josh into the kitchen and sit on the bar stool while he gets out some paper plates and napkins. "So, what's the surprise?" I ask. Josh just starts laughing confusing me even more. 

Suddenly hands are on me. I start screaming. "Help me!" I yell as loud as I can. "He's going to kill me! He's got a gun! Let me in! Please!" I cry. I'm struggling to breathe when I realize Josh is looking at me worriedly, but not doing anything. I wipe the tears from my eyes. "I-I'm sorry." I say to Josh and then turn around. "Jen?" I say my heart stopping. 

I get up and hug her so tight. She was hugging me when I thought she was trying to kill me. Her familiar scent of almonds and honey hits my nose as she takes me in her embrace. "I missed you so much." I say through tears. "I missed you too. I'm so happy you're okay." She says .

Sorry for the long update! APPARENTLY I NEVER PUBLISHED THIS! I meant to like a week ago but I guess it just didn't go through. whoops.  Comment what you thought about this chapter. I love you guys! Tbh I am so happy that Jen is back. I love writing Jen in my stories because she is such an amazing character. Since we already know Jen and Josh I'm trying to work really hard on Christina's character development so y'all can see how she grows. Don't forget to vote!

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