Ch. 19: Don't Dream It's Over part 1

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~Christina's PoV~ 

The car ride was silent. I expected it to be with everything that's going on. Jen is obviously very worried and I'm not going to lie, I was frightened. They were watching us this whole time? How come we never figured it out? They were inside the house yet no alarms or anything went off. I was really worried for my friends because now that I think about it anyone could've been watching us and now there's a target on their backs. 

I'm zoned out and looking out of the window as the trees roll by in the darkness when the ringing of Jen's iphone cuts through the quiet. She answers a little shakily. "H-hello?" She answers. "Jennifer, there's been an incident... It's about Christina's friends..." the male voice says before being taken off of the bluetooth in the car that we normally listen to music through. I watch in horror as Jen's face turns pale. The call ends and I know better than to ask any questions even though I'm extremely worried for my friends. It's my fault... I shouldn't have put them in danger like this but I didn't know. 

Jen's nimble voice slices through the air. "They're sending a car to come pick us up because they think that there might be a tracking device somewhere in the car. I'm sorry this is so hectic. I'm sorry that you have to deal with this. We never wanted to cause you any pain by being with us... We are so, so sorry..."  a tear falls to her cheeks as she stares at me. "I love you." is all I say because that's all she needs to hear. 

We pull off into a brightly lit gas station that's bustling with people. "No one should try to pull anything in front of all these people." Jen says reassuring me and probably herself too. I nod. A black car with tinted windows pulls up beside us. 

"There's our ride." She says. We get out and grab our things as quickly and pack it into the car. "Thank you." She says to the driver. "No problem." He says and gives us a smile from the mirror. Confusion sets in. It's my Uber driver... the one that Jess and I joked about being John Snow? A quick realization hits and I whisper to Jen. Maybe it's just a coincidence. Jen decides to call the detectives and ask what's going on, but when the number is dialed, the driver's phone rings and he answers it, "Hello, Jennifer." 

A/N: Really short and messy but it's the Holidays and I wanted to give yall a little something! I'll probably update tonight or tomorrow! Comment what you think about this chapter or what's going to happen! 

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