Ch. 22: Don't Dream It's Over-Part 2

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~Christina's PoV~

I gasp and start choking on something making my eyes flutter open. I look up and for a second I feel like I'm imprisoned, but then I hear my Dad's voice. "Chris- oh my God! We need  a doctor!" He yells in astonishment. I try to look at what I'm choking on and it's like some sort of breathing tube that I've seen on Grey's Anatomy. Wait- so I'm in a hospital? I feel like I don't remember anything. I mean I know I don't have amnesia because I remember being kidnapped with my mom. They deserve those titles. They've earned them. 

I finally realize that I'm back. The doctors come in and remove the tube and start asking me so many questions, but they get boggled in my mind because they're coming so fast. Eventually, my dad tells them that they've asked us enough questions and to come back later because he just wants a moment with me. 

He looks at me with tears in his eyes. "I knew you would wake up. I just knew it." he says kissing me on the forehead. "Wait, how long have I been out?" I ask figuring that I was found and had passed out from exhaustion or something. Dad takes a long pull of air and then sighs out, "Almost a month." The tears that were forming in his eyes finally dropped. I gulp to try to push down the lump that rises in my throat. "Wher- where's Mom?" I manage to choke out.  "She, uh, she's actually still missing. Some are assuming the worst, but I feel it in my heart that she's alive, just how I felt like you were going to wake up." My chest drops. People think she's dead. That her last moments were spent with that evil motherfucker. I normally don't curse, but I hope that son of a bitch chokes on his blood. 

And trust me, when I find him, he will. 

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