Ch.18: Secret

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~Christina's PoV~

"Okay, now that we're in the house I've got to tell you a secret." Jessie says closing the door behind her. My mind starts to wonder with all of the crazy possibilities of the things she has to tell me with her very.. imaginative mind. "Okay so you know how I always try to avoid talking about family?" She asks. I nod my head in response. "My sister is pretty popular..." She finishes. I sort of scoff at the fact considering that my parents are celebrities. "Yeah, um, her name is Cara. Cara Delevingne." she laughs nervously. My head cocks to the side. "My mom and dad are celebrities... I'm used to it." I shrug partially thinking she's lying because she can't really keep secrets all that well. She looks agitated but just moves on. I don't understand why that mad her annoyed, but oh well. 

The night goes on and I see Cara a couple of times making it a thing not to bother her or whatever so that Jessie doesn't get mad at me. We've been kind of distant so maybe that's why. 

The next day I get awakened by a phone call from Jen telling me I have to leave immediately. I'm a little upset because all of the girls were going to come over and we were going to have a pizza party, but from the way Jen sounded, things are serious. 

I didn't want to wake anyone up so I wrote a little note to Jess telling her that I had an emergency and had to go and to have fun without me. After writing the note, I head downstairs and lock the door behind me. 

Jen's black escalade is waiting for me in the driveway and she waves me to the car signaling for me to hurry up. I run and sit in the back seat where Jen nodded her head to. 

"Whats wrong?" I ask buckling as we're already racing out of the neighborhood. "There's a team on our case, you know about the fire? And apparently they think it was on purpose and that someone has been watching us.. and not for a short period of time." She says jumbling her words obviously frightened. My brain starts to wonder and I start panicking but manage to calm myself down by thinking of the beach. "Where are we going?" I ask as we go down several roads that I've never been down before. "Well, we are actually on our way to the airport, but we are taking backroads so that hopefully no one knows where we are." She says. "Okay, but like where are we going?" I ask again. "We are going to Tokyo for a little bit. Just until the police and everyone can figure out what's going on. Thankfully, I kept our passports in the car. I got you as far away from your friends because I don't want them to get hurt." she finishes. I sigh because I'm  so tired of running away from things. 

"Okay." I say ending the conversation. At least I get to go to Japan.

A/N: y'all sorry this is lowkey all over the place. I was rushed and I really wanted to update my books for you guys. A lot has been happening in my life lately and I just now got another laptop that I can type stories on for you guys so yay! anyway, what do you think of the chapter? what do you guys think is gonna happen? 

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