Ch. 15: Who Is In Control?

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~Christina's PoV~

The party was so much fun, but now I'm just completely exhausted. I try to go to sleep but every time I close my eyes, I see a man with a gun shooting that poor girl. My brain starts to go into overload and I feel a panic attack coming on. I haven't told anyone, but I haven't slept in almost four days except for quick little naps here and there that I end up waking up screaming from. I thought that since Josh and Jen were both here that it would give me some stability, but I guess I was wrong. I guess no one can help. 

I get out my phone and listen to some music. My text messages have been going crazy. I haven't talked to my friends since the incident and they probably think that I'm dead. I feel dead. I don't know if I'm depressed or if I just need some time to process what I've seen, but I just know that I don't feel like talking to them because it just brings up school and memories. 

I turn on the song Sign of the Times by Harry Styles and close my eyes. I love music because it can play over the screams inside your mind. 

I shouldn't be upset. It's not my fault that this happened and I know that, I just wish that things were different. 

I take out the earbuds that my music was coming from and go to the door to go get water. I hear Josh and Jen talking in Josh's room, but I'm really thirsty and I need water, so I head downstairs to the refrigerator to grab a water bottle. 

"Josh, I really want to adopt her too..." I hear Jen say. A tiny gasp escapes my mouth. Jen wants me? I knew we were close but for some reason I'm still shocked by this. For a moment. I forget all my worries, and I just focus on the happiness that exudes from my body. 

I grab a water and run up the stairs as fast as possible. I just want to hug them, but I can't let them know that I was eavesdropping, so I act like nothing has happened. 

I decide to take a bath because bathing has a soothing affect on me and relaxes me making it easier to sleep sometimes. I run the bath water and get into the scolding tub. My muscles soon give way to the heat and loose their stiffness. I was about to wash myself when my eyes became heavy and before I knew it they closed. 

A/N SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT, but I'm on summer break now, so more updates!!!!! COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK SO FAR! love you! 

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