Ch.8: Come Back

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~Jen's Pov~ 

Christina yelps in excitement. "I'm going to have a little brother or sister?" She screams. "Maybe!" I say barely containing the joy bursting from me. "I just wonder how Josh is going to take it." I say looking down. The mood turns, but I don't want it to. Just as I'm about to say something cheerful again, we hear the door opening. We both look at each other wide eyed. "Here we go." I whisper to Christina. 

I hear Josh's voice creep through the hallway sending a chill down my spine. I miss him. I just want him to hold me and tell me how we are going to make great parents and get married. I stand up and Christina stands behind me, hidden in a way. 

"Jen?" His voice cracks and tears begin to form in his eyes. This was not expected. He runs up to me and hugs me. "I love you. Claudia is out of the way. I don't know why I was so stupid. I just miss you so, so much. Please come back." He says. I'm speechless. I came him prepared to knock some sense into him, but now I'm just... speechless. 

"Of course Josh I... I love you." I say and kiss him. The kiss is gentle and sweet and my heart feels as if it's exploding from the love that we share. Nothing could possibly ruin how good this feels. His arms are wrapped around me and my palms are on his cheeks as he holds me. I never want this moment to end.. but it does.

 "Jen! Oh my God! Jen!" Christina screams at the top of her lungs. I turn around to see what's wrong but I stop and horror fills my thoughts and it's like all of the air inside of me is suddenly gone. I look down to see blood pooling in my pants. I start screaming and a ringing feels my ears and black dots begin to form and then everything turns black. 

I only hear things. I can't see, I can't speak, and I can't move. I can only hear. I hear doctors yelling and distant screaming and cries. "She's flatlining, we need a crash cart." I hear before I feel myself being shocked. "She's stable." I then hear. I can open my eyes, but I don't want to. I don't want to see in a world where a child of mine isn't. I don't want to look at Christina or Josh because I know that I failed them. I did this. I killed my own baby. 

Josh wraps my hand in his. I know that it's his because they're warm and shaky but still strong and firm. I open my eyes, for him. "Josh... I'm so sorry." I cry. "Shh. It's okay. It'll be okay." He whispers. "It won't be okay. That was our baby, Josh. It was us." I scream. "Jen, I'm just happy that you're okay. That you are alive. I'm glad Christina didn't have to see you flatline."  He says moving a piece of my hair away from my forehead. "What happened?" I finally get enough courage to ask. "You... miscarried a baby and then you went into shock from bleeding to much. You could've died, but you didn't." He says while  a tear falls, rolling off of his cheek. "I should've." I say turning my face away to look at the white walls of the hospital. 

A/N Ayyye I updated. Figured we could use an update on election day (Ew) Anyway.... What'd ya think of the chapter? (pls don't kill me) 

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