Ch. 6: Claudia

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~Christina's PoV~

I woke up excited and ready to explore. I jump out of bed to go get Josh up. I run through the suit and to Josh's room and to my surprise he isn't even there. I get extremely confused  and start calling his name to no avail. 

I decide to just go to my room and let it go. I look outside and it's nighttime. I lie down and play on my phone and watch one of my favorite youtubers named Tana and eventually listen to Vessel. I'm scared and I can't help it. I'm alone in a suit in a brand new place. I get up and find dinner in a Styrofoam box. Rice and a burrito. Nice. 

I hear the door open and I drop to the floor until I hear Josh's voice. He has someone with him. I stand up and continue to heat up my food. "Jade?" He asks. Who is Jade? I'm so confused. "Not Jade, what the hell, why did I even say that? Christina?" I hear Josh say. "Yes?" I say from the kitchen. "I have someone I'd like you to meet." His words are slurred. Is he drunk? "This is Claudia." He says then kisses her. "What-what about Jen?" I ask. His bloodshot eyes fill with rage. "Go to your room." He says. "What?" I ask confused. "Go to your room, now!" He yells. Claudia snickers as I grab my food and leave the room. 

"We are leaving now. Don't expect me anytime soon." He says then they leave slamming the door. I can see why Jen doesn't like her. Was he cheating on Jen? I decide to call her. 

~Jen's PoV~

It's around 5 O'clock in the morning when I get a call from Christina. I miss her terribly. "Hey, Chris! What's 'sup? I miss you!" I say. I'm shocked to hear Christina crying. "What's wrong? Do you want me to come over?" I worry. "Jen, we aren't even there. We are in Spain." She coughs. "Are you okay?" I ask sitting up in bed.  "No, Josh is drunk and he-he yelled at me and he kissed Claudia and when- when I asked about you he yelled at me and sent me to my room and left." She continues to cry. "Hey, it'll be okay. I have to film today, but I'll be on a plane tomorrow. It'll be okay. I'll be there soon. Call me when ever you need me. I don't care if it's 3 am. Call me." I say. I'm furious. I'm going to kill Josh. "Okay... I love you, Jen." My heart stops. I love her too. I am suddenly so happy. "I love you too, Chris. Try to sleep." We say goodnight and then she hangs up and I immediately book a plane for Spain tomorrow. 

A/N COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK/ANTICIPATE! sorry for the long wait. School sucks. but I did get into a great choir that's really hard to make! so yay! but yeah. Dont just view, vote too! I love you guys so much! I'll  try to update more!

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