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*Nick Bateman as Laserian*


Past always has a way to catch up with us. I knew immediately when I saw her wine red hair caught with the flow of wind. I could smell her, that smell was etched in my mind, petrichor, vanilla, cloves and fresh mint leaves, her smell that I could never forget.

But I still hoped it was not her as I closed my distance and the smell intensified. As she turned and collided into me my whole body went rigid with rage. My other part, the animal part was ordered to kill her and as soon as that part recognised the touch it reacted accordingly.

Ten years ago, when I was sent to kill her, her reaction was not normal, she was still too small. I was also twelve but I was more cold blooded than any other Hood. I was damn set on killing her but then she touched me, the panther me and the animal side of me reacted to her touch.

My animal side was wild, so dangerous that even Elders feared my rage and temper but to her the animal was docile. So I ran away as soon as I was able to make sense of what was happening.

I have never failed in any mission, except that one. So I presented Elders another dead body of a small girl telling them that I killed our intended target, Amber Mikelson. From that day till this second, my lie was never caught since no one ever saw the girl.

The prophecy teller only informed about the threat and the smell which is enough for us to find that person. Our tribe was told that we will be encountered by a powerful force that might cause a war and that turned out to be Amber Mikelson as per the described smell since every person has their own unique smell to us Hoods.

And now here this very girl I was supposed to kill was standing here outside our music shop.

But beside her smell everything about her was different, she was beautiful now. Her hazel green eyes were totally terrified when she looked at me and I realised that I might look angry to her. Good for her, she must be terrified of me! Even my own friends were.

"Why are you here?" I grumbled out the words not for her to listen but the silence and wind around took the voice to her.

"Excuse me? Have we met before?" She asked terrified, yes, but more annoyed now.

Did she remember? How could she..I was a panther then!

"I don't think so, why do you ask?" I asked my anger subsided by curiosity.

"Then why do you hate me?" She asked straight out without any indecision.

Her question surprised me but not so much.

"I don't hate you," I answered in a stiff tone indicating otherwise.

"You could have fooled me!" She said now angry herself and all fear gone.

I smelled something different now, she was still the same but there was a new dull smell on her one I couldn't detect.

"I hate when people take a picture of my shop without permission." I lied, obviously.

My insides were tangled, they wanted to rip apart her fair throat but I held my ground.

"Oh! I am so sorry. I should have asked but no one was around." Her tone instantly dropped from angry to apologetic.

"Leave now." I snapped at her.

I didn't like her even a bit and now she will put me in danger. I should have killed her that day.

My words made her scowl at me; my intimidation was not working on her. She was not scared of me. This has to be my bad luck again!

"I was not going to steal anything." She shot back.

"Who knows?" I obviously said to annoy her more and never show her face again.

She huffed loudly and marched ahead with lots of stuff in her hands.

So she was living here now, my bad luck. How was I supposed to mask her scent that was given to every Hood warrior so that we can find her and kill her?

And why should I mask her scent, I can just kill her now.


"What was the ruckus about?" Maelcurus asked as I entered Nirvana, our music shop.

He was my best friend since I was born even though he is the exact opposite of me. He is among the gentler Hoods, funny and easy going.

"Some stupid customer," I mumbled.

"Customer is God Laser, don't you know." He said mimicking our uncle, his father, and Leader of hoods, Eibhir Mainle.

I winced at my stupid nickname he had given me, Laser.

We are a part of a local town band, called 'The Hoods' (yeah big surprise there) and my stage name was Laser, so I got stuck with the name in daily life as well. I hated it but no one cared!

"That customer was devil," I said through gritted teeth anger surging through me on remembering her.

"Oo, that bad? Was it your screaming fans?" he asked teasing me.

I glared at him but he kept grinning. Well, your scaring tactics do not work on your best friend apparently.

"They are not courageous enough to approach me." I laughed slightly.

"Your jaw is ticking, who was it? Don't tell me..." He said trailing in between.

"No, no, not them. Just some annoying girl who was staring at the store like a thief." I lied and felt weird about it.

"Don't tell me you killed that poor girl for just looking at the store?" he asked with mock terrified expression.

I gave him a dull look.

The thought did cross my mind to kill her but she was still alive...not for long.

"There is a meeting tonight, Elders sense some danger," Marc said now tuning a guitar.

My heart stopped and restarted. Danger? Can they sense her? I will be in great trouble if they found out I left her alive.

"I will be there," I said deciding to get the job done before the night fall and the meeting!

*excited jump* Meet the hero!

Let me know what you think about him? And about all the information in the chapter!

Enjoy reading and don't forget to VOTE! :)

kaur_enigma this one is for you for appreciating my work! :)

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