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*Matthew Daddario as Maelcurus Mainle*

Amber Mikelson

What a rude guy? What did I ever do to him? But it was those eyes, amber eyes that I think I dream about, that I have a hazy memory from childhood. But it was not uncommon to have amber eyes I guess.

But some stupid part of me was saying that he was hot. I immediately kicked that part.

He was a complete stranger and yet he looked at me with so much hate.

"I am home," I said entering the house with all the groceries.

"Did you buy some detergent?" My mother asked looking really tired.

I nodded and sighing she started shuffling through the stuff. I wanted to help mom but I had my own room, Candice's room to take care of.

I hurried back up and started cleaning and arranging stuff with no help from my younger sister who was busy watching some chick flick.

"Honey, did you bring this back home?" My dad called out.

I had no idea what he was talking about so I rushed down ready to defend myself.

"What dad?" I asked.

Before he could answer, I noticed a fluffy looking dog with a hurt leg. I am a soft heart when it comes to an animal so I bent down and immediately patted him on his head. He looked at me with dark brown eyes and I melted inside.

As I caressed the dog, it closed its eyes and seemed to enjoy the touch.

"No, dad, I did not bring him with me. But please can it stay for the night. He is injured." I pleaded.

Dad agreed, "Only tonight. You know we can't afford to keep a pet."

I nodded eagerly and resumed pampering the black dog.

As I stopped the caress, it jerked up as if it was startled and opened its eyes. For a moment I thought I saw a familiar speck of amber in them but then it vanished making me believe it was a trick of the light or my stupid mind.

"Come on, let me clean up your wound and bandage it," I said to the dog and he followed me limping.

I carefully washed its legs surprised how calm he was with all the injury and me being a stranger. It carefully licked its other paws while I bandaged another one. He was one meek dog. I so wished that we could keep it as a pet.

"It looks like you got into a fight. Don't do all this." I said knowing too well he can't understand me.

But it kept looking into my eyes like it could understand not only what I was saying but also what I was thinking.

I blinked  and got up to keep the first aid box away. Good thing my dad was a vet.

Obviously, the dog was sleeping in my room because my sister was a cat person. Dogs scared her. So giving the dog something biscuits to eat, I decided to sleep early because tomorrow was my first day at my job as a photographer for town newspaper.

But before that, I just decided to click a picture of that Nirvana music store, just because I loved it and just because that ass hole annoyed me!

"Tomorrow you see I am going to ... going to punch that guy in his face." I told the dog who looked at me as if it was amused.

"Don't you dare give me that look! No one calls me a thief and gets away with it! Maybe I will pick up something from his store." I told him getting few ideas.

The dog barked at this.

"Okay, I will not steal obviously, I will just warn him!" I said trying to sound threatening.

The dog gave me a passive look and continued with paw licking.

"Fine, don't support me. All men are dog." I insulted the dog who was ignoring me now.

Sighing in defeat I slumped on my bed and before I could think, I drifted off to sleep too tired after all days work.

I am really hoping you people are enjoying this. New story always makes me nervous. And if you do like it, then please spread the word.

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P.S. Check out the casting :)

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