When geniuses plan

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I should have been angry and I should been yelling and screaming. Then why the hell was he ignoring me?

"Where is he?" I asked angrily.

"He is trying to fix a problem." Marc lied not meeting my eyes.

"A problem, huh? What problem?" Placing hands on my waist I step closer try to intimidate Marc.

It was kind of working.


"Don't try to think of a stupid excuse Marc. Why is he ignoring me for a week now. He doesn't call, he doesn't even text." I snapped.

"He is guilty." Marc answered sadly.

That sounded like noble Laserian O'Fearghaile.

"He is guilty you saw him in his worst form, he is ashamed to show his face to you and he is trying to find out what Quantums are brewing?" Marc explained in a soft voice.

God this boy was straight out of historical romance or something.

"Where is he?"

"I don't know and sorry Amber I can't tell you." Marc looked really beaten about the whole thing.

Poor guy, he was stuck between two friends.

"You can't tell me...huh? Fine, don't tell me and when I find him, tell him that I will punch him in the face and then he will see what ignoring feels like." I retorted angrily.

He was lost for words and gave me an apologetic look.

And I left the place. Ian was being difficult. I understand how he feels guilty and all but didn't he knew I loved him..oh right he didn't.

"Amber." Marc walks out of Nirvana with a look of defeat.

He wanted to tell something.

"There is going to be a battle." He said nervously as if Laserian didn't want me to hear this.

"Is it because of me?" I asked already dreading the answer.

"Well not completely, It is because your sweetheart killed five quantums and now that too without any back up. So firstly Quantums are furious and they know that there is a rift between us Hoods. They might attack." Marc explained.

And after attack they want me. This was the unsaid addition to whole drama.

I needed to find Ian before he makes a rash decision.

"Before the war happens how about we lure out Quantums and show them I am not a danger" I said an idea forming in my mind.

"What do you have in mind?" Marc seemed rationale and interested.

"Apparently I am someone important, so why don't we lure them out using me as a bait and then I can use my supposed power Ian explained to me." I suggested.

"I can't allow you to test run a power in front of army of Quantums." He looked annoyed.

"Not an army, call for the leaders." I said desperately before Ian went on a killing spree.

He knew exactly what I was thinking and sighed.

What if Ian stupidly decided to attack the whole enemy pack?

"Fine let's give it a shot." Marc finally accepted the plan.


"I am scared." I said the words out loud making Marc wince.

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